Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Argumentative and Persuasives Cloning is E Essay Example For Students
Contentious and Persuasives Cloning is E Essay thically and Morally Wrong Cloning Argumentative Persuasive EssaysCloning is Ethically and Morally Wrong The inquiry shakes all of us to our very spirits. For people to consider the cloning of each other powers them all to scrutinize the very ideas of good and bad. The cloning of any species, regardless of whether they be human or non-human, is morally and ethically off-base. Researchers and ethicists the same have discussed the ramifications of human and non-human cloning broadly since 1997 when researchers at the Roslin Institute in Scotland delivered Dolly. No immediate ends have been drawn, yet convincing contentions express that cloning of both human and non-human species brings about destructive physical and mental consequences for the two gatherings. The accompanying issues managing cloning and its moral and good ramifications will be tended to: cloning of people would bring about serious mental impacts in the cloned youngster, and that the cloning of non-human species subjects them to exploitative or moral treatment for human needs. The conceivable physical harm that should be possible if human cloning turned into a the truth is clear when one ganders at the sheer death toll that happened before the introduction of Dolly. Under 10% of the underlying exchanges make due to be solid animals. There were 277 preliminary inserts of cores. Nineteen of those 277 were considered sound while the others were disposed of. Five of those nineteen endure, yet four of them kicked the bucket inside ten days of birth of cut off variations from the norm. Cart was the just one to endure (Fact: Adler 1996). On the off chance that those cores were human, the cell body check would look like sheer massacre (Logic: Kluger 1997). Indeed, even Ian Wilmut, one of the researchers authorize with the cloning wonder at the Roslin Institute concurs, the more you meddle with propagation, the more peril there is of things turning out badly (Expert Opinion). The mental impacts of cloning are more subtle, yet none the less, entirely conceivable. Notwithstanding physical damages, there! are stresses over the mental damages on cloned human youngsters. One of those damages is the loss of character, or feeling of uniqueness and independence. Many contend that cloning cases significant issues of character and singularity and powers people to think about the meaning of self. Gilbert Meilaender remarked on the significance of hereditary uniqueness not exclusively to the kid however to the parent too when he showed up before the National Bioethics Advisory Commission on March 13, 1997. He expresses that youngsters start with a sort of hereditary autonomy of the parent. They duplicate neither their dad nor their mom. That is a token of the freedom that the parent should in the end award themTo lose even on a basic level this feeling of the kid as a blessing won't be useful for the youngsters (Expert Opinion). Others take a gander at the kid, similar to rationalist Hans Jonas. He recommends that people have an inalienable right to numbness or a nature of separateness. Murmur! a cloning, wherein there is a delay between the start of the lives of the prior and later twin, is in a general sense unique in relation to homozygous twins that are conceived simultaneously and have a concurrent start of their lives. Numbness of the impact of ones qualities on ones future is important for the unconstrained development of life and self (Jonas 1974). Human cloning is clearly harming to both the group of and the cloned youngster. It is more diligently to persuade that non-human cloning isn't right and unscrupulous, yet it is only the equivalent. The cloning of a non-human animal groups subjects them to exploitative treatment only for human needs (Expert Opinion: Price 97). Western culture and convention has since quite a while ago believed that the treatment of creatures ought to be guided by unexpected moral gauges in comparison to the treatment of people. .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02 , .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02 .postImageUrl , .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02 , .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02:hover , .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02:visited , .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02:active { border:0!important; } .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02:active , .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02:hover { darkness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-beautification: underline; } .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-adornment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd 1fd2b02 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u4160fbf92dae87efa1c93d9fd1fd2b02:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Character Analysis-Tell Tale Heart Essay Animals have been viewed as non feeling and savage mammoths since time started. People as a rule have no issue with considering creatures to be items to be utilized at whatever point it gets essential. However, what might occur if people began to utilize creatures as body for developing human organs? Where is the line drawn among human and non human? In the event that a primate was cloned with the goal that it developed human lungs, liver, kidneys, and heart., what might it at that point be? Imagine a scenario where we were to figure out how to clone working minds and have them develop within chimps. Would non-human primates, for example, a chimpanzee, who conveyed at least one human qualities through transgenic innovation, be characterized as still a chimp, a human, a subhuman, or something different? Whenever characterized as human, would we need to give it privileges of citizenship? What's more, if people somehow managed to convey non-human transgenic qualities, would that modify our definitions and treatment of them(Deductive Logic: Kluger 1997)? Additionally, if the innovation were to be so researchers could move human qualities into creatures and the other way around, that would uplift the peril of creating zoonoses, ailments that are transmitted from creatures to people. It could make an overall disaster that nobody would have the option to stop (Potential Risks). All in all, the moral and good ramifications of cloning are to such an extent that it would not be right for humankind to help or promoter it. The sheer death toll in the two people and non-people is sufficient to demonstrate that cloning would be a silly undertaking, whatever the reason. Works Cited Kluger, Jeffery. Will we Follow the Sheep? Time Magazine. Walk 10, 1997 Vol. 149 No.10 The Cloning Controversy. Online Available September 23, 1998. Morals on Cloning: The current issue. Online Available September 24, 1998. National Bioethics Advisory Commission. Cloning Human Beings. Online Available http://bioethics. gov/pubs.html. September 24, 1998. Value, Joyce. Before There was Dolly, There Were Disasters: Scientists neglected to reveal anomalies. The Washington Times. Walk 11, 1997.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Top 10 Best Non Marvel or DC Comics
Top 10 Best Non Marvel or DC Comics Rundown of Top 10 Non-DC Comics You Should Not Miss Out Now and again, one may get a feeling that Marvel and DC Comics have command over the entire comic book industry. In spite of the fact that it is a long way from being valid, the comic book media is on the ascent now with the most famous adjustments originating from the Big Two. In any case, the universe of funnies isn't restricted uniquely to the Big Two and there is an extraordinary number of different distributers with splendid adjustments, which we will cover in this article. 10. Adventure This arrangement, made by Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples, has been tremendously raved about. It recounts to an anecdote around two evacuees who face a peculiar, modernized dreamland. Adventure is an absolute necessity read for everybody, so on the off chance that you have not done it yet, presently is the ideal chance to do it. Enchanting and fascinating, SAGA is definitely justified even despite consistently you spend understanding it. 9. Revile WORDS The Image Comics book Curse Words is Soule-composed enchanted dramatization, which recounts to the account of a cutting edge abhorrent wizard and difficulties he needs to handle. On the off chance that you are a sharp admirer of Harry Potter or Rick and Morty, you definitely ought not pass up this holding funnies book. The unexpected depiction of the arcane expressions is completely exceptional. Nonetheless, mind that using enchantment depicted in the book isn't generally that otherworldly. 8. BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER On the off chance that you are not excessively enthused about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you should realize that the comic book variant of it has experienced some significant adjustments. Studios Buffy chose to make a total revamp of the story. A fresh out of the box new Buffy universe will unquestionably keep even the most long-standing fans as eager and anxious as ever. Notwithstanding, in the event that you don't have a place with this class, simply attempt to appreciate the people behind the comic who are really worth watching. 7. ARCHIE 1941 Despite the fact that the TV show Riverdale has become an easily recognized name, you will be amazed by the way that Archie Comics, on which the TV arrangement is based, is in certainty more than 75 years of age. The these days setting of Riverdale doesn't reflect the spot in Archie 1941 where Archie Andrews is a youngster enrolled into military assistance. On the off chance that you respect Archie Comics, World War II history or simply need to see natural characters in the new light, put this book on your understanding rundown. 6. B.P.R.D. The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense has not showed up on TV for a long time. Notwithstanding, with a pristine film Hellboy discharging this year, it at long last stages a rebound in the film. Strangely enough,à B.P.R.D.à stories didn't slow down totally in the hole between films. Dull Horse has been unendingly bringing out unbelievable stories set in Mike Mignola-makes universe, which has not gotten any more terrible. With the motion pictures debut in April, presently the opportunity has already come and gone to get once again into the universe of theà B.P.R.D.à At any rate, you ought not let this charming incredible investigator arrangement ignore your consideration. 5. Ill will Delayed repercussion Comics is a newcomer in the realm of funnies. By and by, it figured out how to draw out some splendid adjustments. One of them is Animosity,â which recounts to an account of an odd existence where creatures concluded that the planet would improve without people. Hostility is an extreme human story, which tells about endurance and penance and addresses perhaps the greatest dread of humankind. It puts over a dubious inquiry What might occur with the planet if mankind were no longer in the control of the entire universe? 4. Severe ROOT On the off chance that you are completely not interested in the referenced above enchantment pattern, we have some truly awful news to convey. You despite everything need to investigate Bitter Root. Actually, Bitter Root isn't so spic and span as Sagaà orà Curse Words. It happens during the 1920s Harlem, where voodoo and the Jazz Age are consolidated to make a story, which finds some kind of harmony among noir and Occult dramatization. This book will surely hit the spot on the off chance that you are a fanatic of verifiable fiction, especially of that which spins around New York City. Furthermore, on the off chance that you are attracted to grisly undertakings in flapper outfits, Bitter Root is certainly up your road. 3. Dark HAMMER Despite the fact that this rundown was proposed to be without the Big Two, it doesn't mean we have excluded some obscure superheroes in this rundown. Fundamentally, a great deal of characters in Black Hammer were made affected by either Marvel or DC Characters. All things considered, the world, wherein the story happens, has nothing to do with both. Dark Hammerââ¬â¢s dreamlike, David Lynch-esque universe is unequivocally suggestive of hero funnies and scrambles them, changing them into an incredible, existential secret arrangement. Despite the fact that DC and Marvel are completely accountable for an umpteen number of superhuman stories, Black Hammer vouches for the way that they plainly don't possess every one of them. 2. THE WICKED + THE DIVINE The accompanying book depends on folklore, which implies you will clearly take to it. The Wicked + the Divine is an all around earned odd-on most loved in our main 10 comic books even without the legendary plot. Due to the tight narrating, one of a kind fine art, and the ideal strong mix of two old style legends, this book is an authentic magnum opus of its own. Ifà Black Hammerâ proved that Marvel DC are not prevailing in the hero market,à The Wicked + the Divineâ is a confirmation that they have not yet assumed the responsibility for folklore either. We don't infer that there is some kind of problem with the Wonder Womanà orà Thorà story. Simultaneously, there are some nearby likenesses with WicDiv. It simply that it reverberates with some social memory that is profoundly established in people, a memory of the occasions when divine beings and beasts were fiction and the enchantment was anything as well as pretend. 1. MONSTRESS This story is a case of a straightforward yet really wonderful comic book. With the contacting storyline and touchy craftsmanship, Monstressâ is an irregularity in the comic book showcase since it brings the medium up in general. Marjorie Liu acquired two Eisners therefore, and on the off chance that you have not had the chance to come to know why, presently it is the ideal chance to do it. Pick any of the above expressed books to encounter what the present-day funnies world brings to the table however don't pass up Monstressâ to discover how the comic book history is being made.
History. Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
History. Questions - Essay Example During this period, the time of increased birth rates animated relocation to rural areas (Rusty, 2010 p 4). Development of rural areas prompted various improvements saw the nation over. Because of suburbia, there rose the requirement for cars. Accordingly, the administration built new streets. The number of inhabitants in the United States expanded altogether from 1946. The need to accommodate the high populace made the administration think of arrangements that empowered individuals to get to essential needs, for example, human services, training, and arrangements for government disability. The different improvements that occurred in the United States after the war can be ascribed to the time of increased birth rates (Rusty, 2010 p 12). Q2. Eisenhower alert and inertia can be viewed as an insightful judiciousness in the activity of intensity. He responded circumspectly towards the start of the social liberties development and sent soldiers who upheld court orders. His household arran gements used to be moderate, while the international strategies gave off an impression of being careful. He is credited for staying away from military inclusion in Vietnam and constraining Britain, France and Israel to determine the Suez emergency. Eisenhower looked for an end the virus war by looking for dealings and declining to engage in the Hungarian revolt. America become increasingly prosperous during the period of Eisenhower, as science and innovation progressed altogether. Ladies had the chance to join the workforce and land cubicle positions (Thomas, 2005 p 20). Q3. The Soviet Union tried its first nuclear bomb in 1949. This prompted open uneasiness as the Americans dreaded the Russiaââ¬â¢s prevalence. The US government began exploring who had uncovered the US nuclear insider facts to the Russians (Fried, 1991 p 32). Thus, the red chasing came to being; prominent people, for example, Rosenberg confronted mistreatment. Congressperson Joseph McCarthy enrolled socialist tra cker Roy Cohn, an examiner. McCarthy visited his adversaries and battled against them; he charged his faultfinders as backstabbers. He shaped a red-chasing organization known as AWARE Inc, which arraigned socialists. During his residency, anticommunist offices addressed instructors; those associated with socialism lost their positions. Youngsters made dedication vows and promised not to topple the administration. Along these lines, he constrained numerous Americans to have a distrustful gander at mystery subversives (Fried, 1991 p 37). Q4. The attack of Vietnam by France not long after the Second World War can be named as the significant reason for the Vietnam War. The French involved the nation, prompting an unevenness of the Vietnamese social way of life. The socialists exploited the disturbance of a serene Vietnamese life. Socialist nations, for example, Russia needed to practice their political belief systems on little and feeble nations that had been destabilized by the French. After World War II, socialist nations needed to deal with countries that appeared to be powerless and politically insecure. Subsequently, the Vietnam War appeared (Thomas, 2005 p 22). The virus war and the contrasts between the industrialist and the socialists likewise came about to the virus war. America was against socialist standards of the Soviet Union. Russia and China had provided arms to the administration of North Vietnam. The arms included war materials, for example, automatic weapons, rifles, ordnance, war pontoons, and ammo. America needed to slow the development of socialism in the Middle East. The United States joined the war following a call to shield South Vietnam from attack by North
Friday, August 21, 2020
Respect and the Attica Correctional Facility Research Paper
Regard and the Attica Correctional Facility - Research Paper Example Following three days of arranging the state police started shooting after poisonous gas was dropped on the revolting detainees. The loss of life came to 29 prisoners and 10 prisoners which the state attempted to guarantee originated from ââ¬Ëzip gunsââ¬â¢ which are hand crafted weapons that detainees now and then make and that some had their throats cut. At long last, it was demonstrated that all kicked the bucket of genuine gunfire wounds and that the detainees had not had any zip weapons. The state police had executed them all. The debasement in the jail remembered not just merciless disciplines by the watchmen for the detainees, however racial segregation and discipline that depended on the shade of skin a man wore (Danver, 2011). There were numerous results from the activities taken in this mob. After the mobs one of the detainees, Frank Smith was made to lie bare on a table with a football adjusted on his chest. He was informed that should he let the ball fall he would be maimed. The gatekeepers likewise settled different torments including making bare men go through a test of endurance of nightsticks or slither through glass. Plain Smith and other people who had been treated with these disciplines documented suit against the jail in 1974. He got 4,000,000 dollars in a common suit against the office with 23 different detainees accepting a settlement of 8,000,000 dollars. Despite the fact that the results of the uproar caused jail change to happen, the jail stays a firm stance jail with extreme limitations on prisoners who are viewed as the absolute generally perilous (Danver, 2011). The inquiry is in the event that they are risky due to the conditions forced and the new development of social living that they are compelled to accommodate under. The Attica Correctional Facility of today is just respectably... The term regard is one that is significant in the development of social request in the Attica Correctional office. The office is known for lodging a portion of the most exceedingly terrible crooks in the United States, leaving the structure for misuse open from the two detainees and gatekeepers where individuals have to a great extent overlooked the individuals who go into those dividers. Regard, in this way, is won through rough and physical encounter. This permits those in the way of life inside the dividers to figure out who has status and who will be the more vulnerable area of the populace. While male commanded codes and structures are at the center of the chain of importance, there are some remarkable ideas in a jail that as of now has a lot of structure. Male predominance is at the focal point of this development of social request and at the center of male strength is the requirement for having regard, demonstrating regard, and gaining regard. A few detainees acquire regard ju st to guard them while others procure it to pick up power among their companions. The one solidarity that is regular among all the detainees is against the watchmen. From the proof of the 1971 mob and the limitations that are implemented on the conduct of men in the jail framework that this subtleties and nuances of life in Attica are frequently based upon the delicate measures of opportunity they are given. Without the advancement of structures of regard, they would be lost to the mistreatment that the watchmen and the framework force.
Organization of a Hospital Activity
A medical clinic is a system of a wide range of offices that need legitimate correspondence and participation. At the point when the framework separates, there are numerous issues for both staff and patients. The nature of administration starts to endure, and the earth gets unpleasant and unfortunate for recuperating. The arrangement of human services has consistently been a significant and questionable issue. There are times in life when anybody may require some type of clinical consideration and it is everyoneââ¬â¢s option to get the best possible treatment.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Organization of a Hospital Activity explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Problem zones: The lounge area isn't prepared to suit the patients. The crisis room is the substance of the clinic, as this is the principal zone that individuals come into and where they hold on to be seen by the medical attendant. It is fairly little and doesn't sufficiently situate all patients. Therefore, individuals need to hold up in the passage and around the passageway into the sterile crisis ward. Additionally, the traffic in the passages gets clogged and the emergency vehicle staff, just as watchmen who are moving patients have issues moving around individuals; fire wellbeing strategies endure thus. The lounge area isn't isolated into grown-up and youngster areas thus, kids are suscepted to conceivably hazardous diseases. The correspondence between the mental ward and the lounge area are totally complicated. A patient who comes into the emergency clinic for a mental evaluation is compelled to stand by over two hours in a room 2 meters by 2 meters with awkward seating and a nonappearance of a bed. This prompts consistent issues with their feelings of anxiety, which causes the crisis room work force and specialists to control these patients and allot unneeded drug. The correspondence between the fifth floor (mental ward) and move of patients is wasteful. The attendants in the ICU-emergency unit confused with the time a medicine or different techniques must be directed to the patients. Enhancements: The lounge area: must reached out for the more noteworthy measure of individuals and isolated into a youngster segment, grown-up segment and one for the individuals who may move an irresistible sickness to other people. Correspondence: medicinal services spins around people and only participation to their necessities. An overseer who is accountable for changing or making clinical strategies or the medical attendants and specialists themselves, are committed to give legitimate consideration to anybody out of luck, including mental patients. The long hold up times must be sliced down the middle, as individuals are vulnerable to further and superfluous pressure. It is ethically important to ensure that the individual gets the treatment and drug they require. Projects for medical attendants: as instruction for specialists and medical caretak ers is especially genuine, there ought to be in-clinic classes gave. Individuals become ethically used to the patients and their affliction, in this manner the clinical staff needs a refreshment of their comprehension and information. Association: certain measures and parameters must be delineated for attendants for better history of clinical issues and physical appraisal. The patient is someone else who must be told the best way to do the checking themselves, with clear rules and objectives in the scope for security. The utilization of multidisciplinary group is extremely useful, as it builds the extent of diagnostics and treatment yet in addition approach towards patients. The emphasis is on more seasoned grown-ups and kids, so as to set up the explanations behind their deferral in looking for clinical consideration or exhortation on the most proficient method to manage the issue.Advertising Looking for exposition on open organization? How about we check whether we can support you ! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This exposition on Organization of a Hospital Activity was composed and presented by client Moderate Lion to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
AFRICAN-AMERICAN DANCE HISTORY (Essay Sample) Content: . Name: Instructor: Class: Date: African-American Dance history The American civil war caused black American people to migrate to the north cities like New York, where they met from various parts and having different cultures, dancing and music. This created sense of wanting to learn more from one another and hence this brought up dancing styles which were lively and exciting. Black American dance has a huge influence on how people dance up to date. During 1950s jazz type of dancing came into the music industry. Jazz had originated from African vernacular languages however it was not until 1950s where it was called jazz. The African-American dancers during this period were Catherine Dunhum, Pearl Primus, Arthur Mitchell and Alvin Ailey. Catherine Dunhum Catherine was born to an African American father and French mother on June twenty second 1909, she began her musical career through singing in the church however she pursued her education as well since she was the first African American woman to attended university of Chicago where she graduated with master and doctoral in anthropology. However during this time she continued to pursue her interest in music and dancing and in 1934 she became famous due to jazz music and later she introduced her dance style called Là ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢agà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ya which had its basis from martial arts dances that were done by slaves to develop their strength to fight. Dunhum researched on music from Haiti Jamaica and Martinigue in 1944 she developed a school of dancing where students learnt ballet, primitive dance and percussion(Katherine Dunham Personal Foundation). Pearl Primus He was black modern dancer and his first performance was strange fruit which had no music but rather a sound tape poem about a black man being lynched by white man who was a racist. She used music and dancing to express the constrains that the black people were experiencing. She was Trinidad but her parent later migrated to Harlem. She studied research about African dance after working in new dance group studios which was among the few places where they trained alongside the whites. After her researches in 1950s she presented many African dances to the many theaters in America. Arthur Mitchell. Arthur was very popular during the 1950s and 1960s He won a scholarship to study ballet and he later joined New York City ballet where he stayed for fifteen years. Mitchell was the first African American to perform in ballet and show that Africans dancer could as well do better in ballet dancing. He believed in education and was the founder of theater called Harlem. Alvin Ailey. He was born in poor rural areas of Texas in 1931. He danced in high school where he danced in ballet Russes de Monte Carlo. He paid for his school upkeep from dancing and teaching music. He was a leading dancer in Jamaica music. He founded Ailey American Dance Theater in the late 1950s with an aim of enriching American dance as well as expressing black culture. He performed dance like jazz and modern dance. In most of the African American dances the audience were African since the popular dance was jazz during this pe...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Admissions Tips from University of Vermont
If youre applying to college, you probably have a lot of questions about the whole process: What should my test scores look like? Are my extracurriculars good enough? Will I fit in at that school? Finding answers to questions like these can become overwhelming really quickly, so we thought wed help simplify things by going right to the source of great info. This week, we chatted with University of Vermont Admissions on Twitter and asked them the questions youve been thinking. Heres what they had to say: We asked: @UVMAdmissions 1. How can a student know if theyll fit in and really thrive at UVM? #MagooshU ââ¬â Magoosh SAT (@MagooshSAT) March 6, 201 We asked: @UVMAdmissions 2. Whats the number one reason you would turn down an applicant to your school? #MagooshU ââ¬â Magoosh SAT (@MagooshSAT) March 6, 201 We asked: @UVMAdmissions 3. College is expensive! So what do you recommend for financially strapped students applying to UVM? #MagooshU ââ¬â Magoosh SAT (@MagooshSAT) March 6, 201 3 @MagooshSAT Check out Student Financial Services for merit, need-based, application scholarships #MagooshU ââ¬â UVM Admissions (@UVMAdmissions) March 8, 201 We asked: @UVMAdmissions They said: We asked: @UVMAdmissions 5. Are repeated low SAT scores a deal breaker for UVM? #MagooshU ââ¬â Magoosh SAT (@MagooshSAT) March 6, 201 We asked: @UVMAdmissions 6. Final piece of advice youd like every UVM applicant to know? #MagooshU ââ¬â Magoosh SAT (@MagooshSAT) March 6, 201 If you have any comments or questions youd like us to ask the admissions committees for you, leave them below! Wed love to hear from you. ðŸâ¢â
Monday, May 18, 2020
Toxic Leadership - 1986 Words
TOXIC LEADERSHIP Most often throughout the military negative leadership occurs within organization regardless of ranks and unit structure. The most common negative leadership that is displayed amongst leaders is toxic leadership. Army leaders accept the responsibility to develop and lead others to achieve results. A recent survey done by the United States Army confirms what most knowledgeable and professional NCOs already know ââ¬â toxic leadership destroys unitsââ¬â¢ morale and leads to highly qualified Soldiers leaving the Army. A survey of more than 22,630 Soldiers from the rank of E-5 through O-6 and Army civilians showed that roughly one in five sees his or her superior as ââ¬Å"toxic and unethical,â⬠while only 27 percent believe thatâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦General Dempsey stated ââ¬Å"ten years of continuous operations have strained the forceâ⬠. He also stated ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s important to remember that the vast majority of leaders in the Army are very good and are deeply committed to leading our nationââ¬â¢s sons and daughters.â⬠The recent military draw down and continuous operations has resulted in a lot of followers are being left behind and the true leaders are continuing Their life in the civilian world due to the inaffectablility to adapt with the changes amongst the military and troops. We should not settle or accept second-best; even if just a portion of our leaders arenââ¬â¢t performing. We need to take a look at it, because leadership produces more leaders and not more followers. According to recent reports, toxic leaders commonly exhibit these behaviors: avoiding subordinates, behaving aggressively toward others, denigrating subordinates, hoarding information, hoarding job tasks, blaming others for their own problems, being overly critical of work that is done well, and intentionally intimidating others. They also routinely see their subordinates as disposable instruments rather than people, have a destructive personality or interpersonal skills that are detrimental to the command climate, and appear motivated primarily by self-interest. The point that I have absorb from this report is toxic leadership should not be confused withShow Mor eRelatedToxic Leadership : Toxic Leader Essay2233 Words à |à 9 PagesToxic leadership has been a growing problem in the Army for years. In the last ten years, the Army has started to conduct research and think of solutions to toxic leadership. A toxic leader is a leader that is self-serving, micromanages their subordinates and gives orders without supplying a purpose or inspiration for completing the task. Toxic leaders destroy the effectiveness and morale of the unit. They can be taken out of command and identified by using an evaluation system that includes theirRead MoreThe Effects Of Toxic Leadership On Toxic Leaders1392 Words à |à 6 Pages The Effects of Toxic Leadership Tiffanie Chiles Northeastern University ââ¬Æ' The Effects of Toxic Leadership What is Toxic Leadership Many people are guided in their personal and professional lives by individuals who are caring, compassionate, and ethical. However there are also those who are guided by cruel, greedy, and poisonous leaders. Those leaders are considered to be toxic. Toxic leaders can have a direct effect on the people they influence. Toxic leadership has been around sinceRead MoreA Research On Toxic Leadership2116 Words à |à 9 Pages Toxic Leadership Barbara A. Whatcott Southwestern Oklahoma State Universityââ¬Æ' In todayââ¬â¢s business environment, leadership is a major topic of discussion and concern. Having the right leaders in place could be the difference between a successful business and unequivocal failure. There are many different leadership styles that are proven to be effective and then there is the type of leadership that leads a business in the opposite direction. This type of leadership is known as toxic leadershipRead More Toxic Leadership Essay3160 Words à |à 13 Pages Leadership is that process in which one person sets the purpose or direction for one or more other persons and gets them to move along together with him or her and with each other in that direction with competence and full commitment (Elliott, 2009). Leadership is supposed to guide people to attain a particular set vision. Motivation is fundamental in the process of leadership as if there is no motivation there will be laxity among the people involved. It is also a critical scenario forRead MoreT oxic Leadership in Law Enforcement Essay1287 Words à |à 6 PagesAbstract Toxic leadership, likely found in all agencies at some point, and the general awareness of toxic leaders with whom individual officers have worked, makes this a real problem for law enforcement agencies. Knowing the root and cause of this type of leadership helps develop understanding on the part of those that can effect a change in leadership within an agency. Comprehending the methods by which such environments develop and their negative impact on the agency as a whole - via individualRead MoreA Research Study On Toxic Leadership1519 Words à |à 7 Pagesdissertation study is an opportunity to explore toxic leadership in nonprofits in Orange County. Also, to examine the impact of toxic leaderââ¬â¢s practices on OCB and turnover intention as two variables that can harm nonprofit organizations significantly. Moreover, to determine the influence of employee engagement on their organizational citizenship and turnover intention because of the toxic leadership behaviors. The gap in the literature about toxic leadership in nonprofits has inspired me to study thisRead MoreToxic Leadership And Its Effects On A New Second Lieutenant1441 Words à |à 6 Pagespurpose of this paper to discuss toxic leadership and the effects it can have on a new second lieutenant. The Army needs to be concerned with toxic leadership, because of the seriousness of consequences that are caused by leadership failure, which in the worst case scenarios can lead to death or mutiny. The proposed solutions to toxic leadership in this paper will provide future officers and newly commissioned second lieutenants possible ways to combat toxic leadership and ways to prevent it. FirstlyRead MoreIdentifying And Combat Toxic Leadership Styles1335 Words à |à 6 PagesIntroduction The Armyââ¬â¢s leadership concept hinges upon its leaders being able to develop and maintain trust with their seniors, peers and subordinates. In the realm of the Non-commissioned officer, the need for trust cannot be overstated. When NCOs are able to create an atmosphere of trust they are endowed with freedom from their seniors to accomplish their missions, respect from peers enabling cross-unit relationships, and a willingness from subordinates to follow no matter what the mission.Read MoreToxic Leadership At The Military Research Proposal3860 Words à |à 16 Pages TOXIC LEADERSHIP Toxic Leadership in the Military Research Proposal PA 6601 Research Methods Troy University Lauren Maloney Toxic Leadership in the Military The strength of any organization can be found in the ability for the leaders to lead effectively. Effective leadership is essential in the military too, as toxic leadership can have a detrimental impact to those who work under them, as well as the ability for the unit to be cohesive and able to carry out their dutiesRead MoreThe Effects Of Toxic Leadership On Job Satisfaction Organizational Commitment Essay2879 Words à |à 12 Pagespaper Prof. Sunita Mehta Prof. (Dr.) G C Maheshwari conducted a study to focus on an under-researched area named Toxic Leadership Behavior. This specifically focused on finding the effect of Toxic leadership on job satisfaction organizational commitment. The study reveals that there are significant relationships between toxic leadership the other two variables. Toxic leadership in leaders is a harsh reality within business as well as other organizations. Many people have had the experience
Saturday, May 16, 2020
An Interview On Social Work - 914 Words
As social workers we are required to know the Council on Social Work Educationââ¬â¢s core competencies and practice behaviors. We are advised to not discriminate against religion, races, sexual orientation and gender. Before the course diversity I never had to think about my own race for example white privilege. Within this class I put aside every bias I had so that could grasp the concepts without my negative input. Throughout this course my knowledge about the different minorities has transformed how I perceive race and ethnicity. Conducting an interview was a great way for me to assess the individual to ask relevant and effective questions to understand her life and the hardships she may have encountered. After this experience I self-reflected on my life and started to compare the difference in our experiences throughout our lives. Before I conducted this interview I expected that every person in the minority group has experienced extreme levels of oppression. I came to understand that people have different experiences so there are different levels to oppression. My interviewee is not a citizen of the U.S and has been one of the hardest barriers for her. This restricts her from being respected by the people in our community and obtaining a government job. Although she has this restriction every other aspect in her life has been a normal childhood. Normal meaning, children trying to figure out their purpose and who they want to be friends with. Also she hit all the same mileShow MoreRelatedSocial Work Client I nterview1258 Words à |à 6 Pagesus had to play the role of the social work student and the service user. We chose to use Miss Allenââ¬â¢s scenario, because we both had experience of working the adults. In preparation for this task, we met twice to clarify our roles and discussed the scenario as we understood it. We also discussed how we were going to assess Miss Allen, and what help we would offer her. The preparation was an important part of our task because it challenged us to think of the interview within its widest context, takingRead MoreReflection On Social Work Interview1176 Words à |à 5 Pages a peer in my Social Work Interviewing class. The purpose of the interview was to become comfortable being recorded, increase my experience using the interviewing skills learned in class, and to be able to analyze my strengths and weaknesses, leading to a greater learning opportunity. Julia and I met in study room 308 in the George R. White Library at Concordia University in Portland. The study room was a quiet place and we had no interruptions. When I first began the interview, I felt like IRead MoreAn Interview With A Social Work Practitioner1243 Words à |à 5 Pagesinformative interview with a social work practitioner who has experience in working with children and depression. I conducted an email interview correspondence with Dr. Elizabeth Anthony who has extensive education and experience with youth under 18. Dr. Anthony is currently an associate professor in the School of Social Work at Arizona State University. She teaches courses, conducts research, and acts as an advisor. She has a Masters in Counseling Psychology and a Masters of Social Work as well asRead MoreA Social Work Simulation Interview1777 Words à |à 8 PagesThe concept of doing a social work simulation interview is easy to digest and imagine. It is in the practical application of said simulation that feelings of nervousness, embarrassment, and tentativeness emerge. Coupled with the addition of an audience, the stress of performing ââ¬Ëcorrectlyââ¬â¢ is compounded. Thinking theoretically about social work gives time for insight, reflection, and the creation of various forms of practice application, dependent upon the environment, client(s), and issues involvedRead MoreThe Medical Social Worker Professional Essay1163 Words à |à 5 Pages I interview Ms. Diameteria S. Damon. She is a medical social worker professional. I choose Diameteria because she works in the healthcare industry and she has great experience and knowledge. She has work experience in mental health services, hospice, and children and family services. Diameteria has received a Certificate in North Carolina Child Welfare Collaborative from formal training in multi-systemic family therapy, as well as brief support therapy. Diameteria has an education and professionalRead MoreResearch Results : Mccombs Students Knowledge And Interest On Social Enterprise As A Possible Future Career Choice926 Words à |à 4 Pagesresearch indicate McCombs studentsââ¬â¢ knowledge and interest in social enterprise as a possible future career choice, whether or not they are aware of where or how to locate resources regarding social enterprise, and if they believe McCombs offers these types of resources. The research results presented below fall under the category of primary research. The primary research collected consisted of 217 survey responses and 12 in-person interviews. The participants were all McCombs students with severalRead MoreThe Intake And Engagement Video With My Client Samantha1745 Words à |à 7 Pagesthat need work. In addition, the paper will discuss the beginning of the interview and skills and techniques such as empathy, rapport building, listening skills, open and closed-ended questions, and signs of client engagement. The second part of the interview will discuss the focus of the interview and the closure of the interview. Furthermore, when doing a self-assessment, it is important to do a self-reflection of what was alright and what mistakes were made when doing the interview so correctionsRead MoreMarisol Martinez Is A Recruiter For Basf Corporation For1403 Words à |à 6 Pageswith environmental protection and social responsibility, they build a more sustainable future through chemistry. As the worldââ¬â¢s leading chemical company, t hey help customers in nearly every industry meet the current and future needs of society through science and innovation. Through a detailed interview with Mrs. Martinez, she was able to provide interesting and specific information about her exciting HR career. Will discuss her educational background, the interview process, steps to identify and attractRead MoreThe Center For Rehabilitation And Health Care s Mission Statement Essay1561 Words à |à 7 Pagesof Centers Health Care. Hammonton Center has many different fields to contribute to their mission. They are staffed with CNAs, LPNs, RNs, Occupational therapists, speech therapists, physical therapists, kitchen staff, maintenance, housekeeping, social workers, activity staff, financial coordinators, and many more. All the staff come from different backgrounds, which help with making their residents feel like they are at home. These staff are al highly trained and certified to be in their positionsRead MoreIndivdual Cultural Framework1122 Words à |à 5 PagesVideotaped Interview An individualââ¬â¢s cultural framework influences his or her thoughts, actions, and decisions (Witkin, 2012). It is imperative that during the interview process, the social worker is cognizant of both the details provided by the client and, the clientââ¬â¢s cultural background. This knowledge can then be incorporated by the social worker into the helping process (Murphy Dillon, 2011a). This paper will examine cultural worldviews discussed during an interview with Jamie, a fellow
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Prisons and Jails Essay - 611 Words
Prisons and Jails Unit #9 Final Project Introduction to Criminal Justice John McCauley 10-24-2011 Our correctional system is used to house criminals and keep them away from society. Our country is made up of close to 3 million prisoners and not enough prisons. With close to four thousand housing facilities there is little room to house the remaining. The United States alone spends nearly 1.6-billion dollars per year in prison accommodations and about fifteen thousand per prisoner. Different prisons do different things to house their inmates. Some punish inmates different, and some prisons comfort and help inmates. Prison is a way a life no one would want to live. The US correctional system can serve two specific functionsâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Depending on the prison some give animals to connect and keep busy and comfort to the inmates such as cats, birds, or reptiles they can call their own. Prisons give inmates schooling, churches, and other in house career opportunities such as mechanics, barbers, and cooking these programs can only be given to the best inmates and t rustworthy to handle equipment to perform their job in prison. These in house careers can be used and certified outside of prison when the inmate comes out to society. Prisons today try to rehabilitate more than punish their offenders and I personally think rehabilitation is better than punishment. My decision is because I think that rehabilitation has better outcomes of an inmate and better prepare them for society. Punishment only causes an inmate to be either irate or angry and have the worst come out of them. These programs help the inmate get along with other inmates and also the correctional officers and have a better reputation than a misbehaved prisoner. Prisons now a day try their best to rehabilitate more than punish. As you can see prisons have pros and cons to what they are used for. Prison is a bad place and its no where you would want to be in. Prison may be dangerous and a place where people can learn how to be a better person and learn more about the good in them. Source Internet- Books-Show MoreRelatedJails And Prisons1418 Words à |à 6 Pagesï » ¿ Jails And Prisons Adam Putnam CJA/204 February 18, 2014 Leroy Hendrix Jails And Prisons In the following paragraphs comparisons between the Rappahannock Regional Jail in Stafford County, Virginia and Federal Corrections Institution Petersburg Medium in Hopewell City, Virginia. The types of prisons will be identified. The major differences between the Rappahannock Regional Jail and FCI Petersburg Medium will be examined. Jail and prison culture and subculture as well as the violent behaviorRead MoreJails and Prisons1109 Words à |à 5 Pagesï » ¿ Jail and Prison One of the key cornerstones of the criminal justice system is the correctional system, specifically the correctional facilities. Prisons and jails are examples of correctional facilities that help keep the criminal justice system running smoothly and efficiently. Without these facilities, there would be no place for criminals to serve their sentences, and no one would really be safe. Although prison and jail seem to be interchangeable words, they actually mean two differentRead MoreJails and Prison Comparison1067 Words à |à 5 PagesJails and Prisons Comparison University of Phoenix CJA/234 Ms. Pamela Collinshill June 25, 2013 Introduction: For more than two hundred years the United States has used incarceration to punish any and all criminals. Jails and prisons are the institutions that judges send criminals to so they can serve time depending on the seriousness of the crime that the individual has committed. Being incarcerated is the humane form of punishment that isRead MoreJails vs. Prisons1464 Words à |à 6 PagesCorrections Jails vs. Prisons ------------------------------------------------- Andrea K. Wester ------------------------------------------------- April 30, 2012 To start, this paper has been more than challenging for me. Never before has my eyes been more opened to such differences. And to warn you I may have more information than needed, but no surprise there. Here bellow is what I have come up with on the differences between jail systems and prisons systems. There is not a major differenceRead MoreOvercrowded Jails and Prisons1821 Words à |à 7 Pages Why are prison and jail so overcrowded? Could it be we need to establish a better program for rehabilitating the inmates? For many years now rehabilitation has been an issue within the Criminal Justice System. The debate of should these criminals be punished or should they be rehabilitated. What is the reason for our jails and prisons for becoming so full? Is it because we simply like to house criminals to keep them off the streets or do we truly not know how to rehabilitate them back in to societyRead MoreCja 234 Jail and Prison1184 Words à |à 5 PagesJail and Prison CJA 234 Jails and prisons from the outside perspective seem to have the same meaning. Although jails and prisons are a part of the criminal justice system correctional system, the fact is jails and prisons are different. The jail system is a short-term facility where inmates are confined until their trial date. State and Federal prisons are long-term facilities where inmates are confined after being convicted.Read MoreA Brief Comparison of Jails and Prisons785 Words à |à 3 PagesComparison of Jails Prisons A Brief Comparison of Jails Prisons It is common knowledge that one of the primary penalties of violating the law is incarceration. Civilians, those who are not in the business of law enforcement, and even some professionals in the criminal justice field, throw around the terms jail and prison quite often, using them interchangeably. Jails and prisons are not the same. This paper will elucidate some of the primary differences between jails and prisons as well as drawRead MoreJails and Prisons Comparison Essay1064 Words à |à 5 PagesPrisons and jails hold some similar characteristics but are completely different models in which they serve in the criminal justice system. Some of the types of crimes that America faces today are: violent crimes, property, white collar or organized crime, and public order crimes (Worrall, 2008). The criminal justice system sets the regulations and policies of how an offender will be held accountable for their inappropriate actions. The criminal justice system is a process that takes ti me and moneyRead MoreSentencing Of A Jail Or Prison Sentence1598 Words à |à 7 PagesDeterminate Sentence is a jail or prison sentence that you cannot change its definite. But offenders are allowed to be released after they have served their time. Determinate sentences were almost exclusively used throughout the eighteenth century and it was believed that judges were the best people to determine the amount of time needed to punish the offender and to deter them from further crimes. Judges were granted the power to determine sentencing also took much discretion away from the judgesRead MoreJail and Prison Comparison Paper1460 Words à |à 6 PagesJail and Prisons Comparison Paper Jail is usually the first place a person is taken after being arrested by police officers. The authority of states to build, operate, and fill jails can be found in the Tenth Amendment, which has been construed to grant to states the power to pass their own laws to preserve the safety, health, and welfare of their communities. Jail is to protect the public and citizens of county by providing a wide range of constructive, professional correctional services for
Essay about The Comradeship of War in All Quiet on the...
The Comradeship of War in All Quiet on the Western Front War can destroy a young man mentally and physically. One might say that nothing good comes out of war, but in Remarques All Quiet on the Western Front, there is one positive characteristic: comradeship. Paul and his friends give Himmelstoss a beating in which he deserves due to his training tactics. This starts the brotherhood of this tiny group. As explosions and gunfire sound off a young recruit in his first battle is gun-shy and seeks reassurance in Pauls chest and arms, and Paul gently tells him that he will get used to it. The relationship between Paul and Kat is only found during war, in which nothing can break them apart. The comradeship between soldiers at war is whatâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The training regimen awakens a sense of esprit de corps the group spirit shared by those in the same group. Pauls battle with Himmelstoss shows a brighter side of warfare, which is comradeship that develops in death-defying situations. The value for comradeship is appreciated mo re in the field when the men depend on each other to survive. Between missions Paul and Kat take a moment to teach the young recruits. Kats experience will teach the recruits to recognize the type and size of shells by the sound. As incoming artillery begins, soldiers cry out and run for cover. A young recruit finds himself in Pauls chest while Paul is trying to calm him from crying and shaking. The comradeship between the recruit and Paul shows how soldiers take care of each other. Without any hesitation at all Paul consoles the recruit as if he was his own son. Fellow comrades have an automatic brotherhood when there lives depend one another. Kat, the leader of the pack is also a father figure to Paul. One night Paul says to Kat, We dont talk much, but I believe we have a more complete communion with one another than even lovers have. This shows us how war can bring men together in peace. During the roasting of the goose Kats voice brings Paul peace and reassurance. Toward the end of the book Kat is killed, and for Paul it is such a horrible loss. The only thing helping Paul survive was the brotherhood of his friends. With Kat dead that is no longer possible.Show MoreRelated Comradeship in James Hanleys The German Prisoner, Ernest Hemingways Farewell to Arms, Not So Quiet, All Quiet on the Western Front, and Pat Bakers1451 Words à |à 6 PagesComradeship in James Hanleys The German Prisoner, Ernest Hemingways Farewell to Arms, Not So Quiet, All Quiet on the Western Front, and Pat Bakers Regeneration For many soldiers and volunteers, life on the fronts during the war means danger, and there are few if any distractions from its horrors. Each comradeship serves as a divergence from the daily atrocities and makes life tolerable. Yet, the same bonds that most World War literature romantically portrays can be equally negativeRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front Theme Analysis741 Words à |à 3 Pagesmen in All Quiet on the Western Front. Paul, the narrator and a German soldier, along with fellow classmates, join the army after being persuaded by their teacher. Based on their teachers description of war, they enter believing war will be a glorious experience. Their beliefs quickly shatter when they witness the first death. Throughout the novel Paul loses many of his friends and sees firsthand how war affects soldiers. Paul soon realizes how war dramatically changes men. In All Quiet on theRead MoreLost Generation Theme745 Words à |à 3 PagesThe Lost Generation and Camaraderie Created by War Rats scuttling around. Lice crawling everywhere. Diseases spreading like wildfire. Imagine living in conditions like this for weeks on end. Add bullets constantly whizzing past, bombs being dropped, poison gas permeating the air, and this is the reality for soldiers in the trenches, and the men in All Quiet on the Western Front. Paul, the narrator and a German soldier, along with fellow classmates, join the army after being persuaded by theirRead MoreExamples Of Comradeship In All Quiet On The Western Front991 Words à |à 4 PagesComradeship The effects of war are very vast and it is a wide variety of occurrences to cover. War can break a man down physically or mentally whenever it pleases to do so. ââ¬Å"In war there are no unwounded soldiersâ⬠Jose Narosky. In the book All Quiet on the Western Front war affects men on the frontlines in many ways, and leaves scars on their lives forever. Also, in the book Night, Jews are affected by war in concentration camps in World War two and they endure a different kind of war. These textsRead MoreJoekie Annemarie Henriet Kaemingk . Dr. Mangan. English1576 Words à |à 7 PagesJoekie Annemarie Henriet Kaemingk Dr. Mangan English IV 12 April 2017 The Value of Comradeship in All Quiet on the Western Front How does one survive after all has been lost? 38 million men from 32 different countries were involved in World War I. Over 17 million men died, some of these deaths include Paul and his friends and comrades. ââ¬Å"Comradeshipâ⬠is a unconditional friendship between people who live or work together, especially in a difficult situation. As an example of this strong friendshipRead MoreAll Quiet on the Western Front Essay1138 Words à |à 5 PagesAll Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarqueââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"All Quiet on the Western Frontâ⬠was set and written in Germany during the First World War. At this time the attitudes of war were that it was a picture of glory and was the most heroic death that anyone could have. However ââ¬Å"All Quiet on the Western Frontâ⬠is an anti-war novel which shows the truth and reality of war. The book was banned by the German Government as if it was read and believed by the young menRead MoreEssay on The Effect of War on Paul in All Quiet on the Western Front544 Words à |à 3 PagesThe Effect of War on Paul in All Quiet on the Western Front In All Quiet on the Western Front, Paul is morphed from an innocent child into a war veteran who has a new look on society. Paul used to have a carefree life where he was able to be a kid, but when he enlisted into the army it all changed. Paul became a person whose beliefs were changed because of the war. Paul doesnt believe in society anymore especially parents, elders, and school, which used to play a big part in his lifeRead MoreAll Quiet on the Western Front1000 Words à |à 4 Pages All Quiet on the Western Front is an enthralling story about WWI, which, unlike other war stories at the time, vocalized the negative aspects of the war specifically the psychological effect. You can see throughout the book, the psychological horrors which Paul experiences. This psychological aspect of stories is generally not as conspicuous or as horrifying as shown in All Quiet on the Western Front. I have always been intrigued by the psychological affect that war has on you, and this book wa sRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front By Erich Maria Remarque1714 Words à |à 7 PagesAll Quiet on the Western Front written by Erich Maria Remarque is a narrative describing World War I from a German soldier s perspective. The story is narrated by Paul Baà ¼mer and predominantly revolves around the experiences of him and his comrades Kemmerich, Katczinsky, Kropp, Mà ¼ller, and Leer. The novel begins with Paul Baà ¼mer and his friends in a cheerful mood as extra rations are being allocated to them due to the missing soldiers. During this event, Baà ¼mer introduces and describes the variousRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front951 Words à |à 4 PagesErich Maira Remarqueââ¬â¢s novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, chronicles the horrors of World War One, through the eyes of a fictitious nineteen year old character by the name of Paul Baumer. Though told through the matured mind of Paul, All Quiet on the Western front, isnââ¬â¢t meant to be the story of a single sol dier, but the shared experience of all who served and died during the war. As the novel opens, we find that all Paul has known since his arrival at the front is fear, despair, and death. As
Theological Studies free essay sample
Theological studies for 5 consecutive yrs, I studied E.O. T. C. traditional education like geez language, ancient language implemented in varied manuscripts holy liturgy. In my previous Theological studies, We studied Greek ,Hebrew And Geez languages and I have earned good grades as well as a profound cognizance so as to exploit or implement my potential for further studies. Presently, Am pursuing my B. A for the second time in Addis Ababa University in Sociology starting from Sept2011 And my G. P. A as a fresh man was 3. 94. And I need to join M. A program in Sociology, Social work, Public Administration, Theological Studies or any field related to these programs, if I am eligible with Theology undergraduate level. I have contacted Education USA center of USA embassy, Religious leaders, Churches other organizations in my country for financial aid informed that they dont offer financial aid on individual basis by embassies in country, scholarship providing international organizations universities for M. We will write a custom essay sample on Theological Studies or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A program studies in abroad. I was accepted by Higher academic institutions in abroad, such as Toronto School of Theology( Canada), Charles Darwin Univ Wollongong univ. (Australia), Tyndale Seminary(Texas), Leicester Univ(UK),but unable to join them on the account of my financial drawback to cover my tuition, living expense accommodation service I strongly need to join your university in the near future, be it 2012 or 2013. But I do lack financial resources to help my self in covering my xpenses like tuition, living expense accommodation service fee. I have no any other option than bothering you to help me in searching financial aid among Ethiopian , Coptic, Syrian , Armenian Orthodox Churches, Greek Orthodox Church , your church or any other humanitarian organization, any philanthropist you may know in your city/ country . I dont insist in bothering any one to help me by sending money to me but only covering my expenses by paying directly to the university. And as a rule , a student should display 24,000 up to 30,000 US dollar in his financial bank statement to get his visa issued if he is not lucky to get full scholarship. , which is difficult to think of it. We International students are expected to show bank account which displays that we have sufficient funds to cover tuition, living expense, accommodation service fee other , but what I can only do is to work in abroad so as to cover some of my expenses, have no fund or sponsor by myself. Even if You dont have contact with these entities , I kindly request you either to forward my inquiry to them or to help me only sending their email contact so that I may contact them by my self through their email address. I strongly need your help.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Weavers Are to Blame for Their Own Plight free essay sample
Children were subjected to far harsher conditions with little to gain. Food was scarce and hardly edible. the punishments for incompetance and tardiness had become far more severe. 2) The investigator probably asked because women have long been thought of as the weaker sex. andand punishing a girl or women the same as you a man whilst leaving marks would be considered brutal, barbaric and overtly cruel. 4) William Hart explains that 10 hour work days would lower his profits, which was something he was absolutely unwilling to do. As long as he makes a good profit he did not care that his employees were suffering. The Weavers Song 1)The song blames the weavers for their own plight because now they had to pay for their sins of gluttony. The weavers had spent their weaving days with riches abundant and sufficient work, but now that they were replaced by machines they had to bust their backs to scrape out a living like the rest of the common people. We will write a custom essay sample on The Weavers Are to Blame for Their Own Plight or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2) The commercial plan and political economy is refering to the Industrial revolution. The weaver is the one who no one owns because he once had the pride of an artisan, and he will not stoop his spirit to that of a laborer. 3) the song insinuates that the Weaver had once lived a life of opulance and greed, but must now he must work out to barely scrape out a living. 4) The unemployed weaver actually lives a better life than Elizabeth Bently. He gets six pence a day where as elizabeth only gets a penny. He gets a decent loaf of bread and she recieves a lumpy hard biscuit covered in dust. The weaver had once known a wealthy life full with times of plenty and elizabeth has only know hard labor and poverty.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Transpose by Bad Suns free essay sample
Bad Suns are rising. In its debut EP, ââ¬Å"Transpose,â⬠the band breaks through the clouds and illuminates its path to relevance. Widely viewed as up-and-coming in the indie scene, Bad Suns shines with exceptional vocals, instrumental diversity, and production. Formed in 2012, the California-based band is relatively young, with members in their late teens and early twenties. The group began its career touring with the likes of The 1975 and The Vaccines, and only recently found itself rising to prominence. Bad Suns released its first album this June and many expect it to surge in popularity, just as Bastille did two years ago. The band incorporates an impressive number of unique sounds on its debut EP. Lead singer Christo Bowman admits to being heavily influenced by rock bands of the 70s and 80s, and it shows. On the title track, the band supplies a healthy dose of traditional guitar and mixes it into the modern popular indie style. We will write a custom essay sample on Transpose by Bad Suns or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This type of melting-pot innovation is comparable to that of The Cars in the late 70s. The Clash and The Cure are also noted as major inspirations. Bowmans smooth vocals are an ideal fit for the groups wavy, dreamlike melodies. This complementary combo is especially successful in the track ââ¬Å"Salt.â⬠The lyrics on the album are impressive for Bowmans experience level. While most novice songwriters lean on cliches or simple rhyme schemes, his work is in a world of its own. This creative leap brings substance to Bad Suns music, which is rare to find today. ââ¬Å"Cardiac Arrestâ⬠dominates the EP. Led by midnight guitars, a forceful beat, and a chorus bursting with sound, the song seems destined to make a strong presence on alternative radio. The other three songs could also be quality singles, showing the bands consistency. ââ¬Å"Transposeâ⬠is one of the most spectacular releases of the year. While the band does not severely challenge the status quo of todays indie scene, it manages to find creativity within the boundaries and excels in all musical categories. If the band continues creating such quality work, do not expect the Bad Suns to be setting anytime soon.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Essay Topics For IELTS General Training
Essay Topics For IELTS General TrainingYou can apply all the basic skills you learned in IELTS General Training to your essays. For IELTS General Training, some people forget to write out their topics as well as the summary of their topics. In this article I will show you how to write out your topics and also the summary of your topics.The first thing you need to do is to plan out what kind of topics you want to write. What type of questions are you going to answer? How many topics do you want to cover? Is it an essay or a letter? I will show you the step by step procedure to writing out your topics for IELTS General Training.Choose the appropriate topic you want to write and then use the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) editor to create the outline of your topics. In the CSS editor, click on Format > Body Content > Acronyms. This will bring up the contents area, and from there you can begin filling in your paragraphs and choosing words that relate to your topic.When the CSS editor opens up, it will tell you what type of styles it is using. You can click on the tab named 'Text Style' and choose what style you want to use. Do not forget to change the style to suit your topic.Then when the CSS editor opens up again, you will see that the color of the text has changed. This is a very useful feature and it will help you get the best layout and formatting for your topic. From here you can decide what font size and color you want to use, and you can even type out your title as well.Finally, you can click on the tab titled 'Title' and then choose what font color you want to use and write the titles. If you do not know the best font, click on Font Style Editor and choose the one you want to use.Now you should have better essays that are more professional. Write out your topics for IELTS General Training now.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Prepping Your Kid for a Test With No Study Guide
Prepping Your Kid for a Test With No Study Guide Its the moment you dread: Your child comes home from school on a Tuesday and tells you that there are a test three days from now over chapter seven. But, since she lost the review guide (for the third time this year), the teacher is making her figure out the content to study without it. You dont want to send her off to her room to study blindly from the textbook; Shell fail! But, you also dont want to do all the work for her. Theres a method that will get your child prepped for that chapter test despite the little misplacement habit shes grown fond of, and even better, she may learn more than she did had she actually used the review guide. Ensure She Learns The Chapter Content Before you study with your kid for the test, youll need to know that shes learned the content of the chapter. Sometimes, kids do not pay attention during class because they know the teacher will be passing out a review guide before the test. Teachers, however, want your kid to actually learn something; they typically put the bare bones of the test content on the review sheets offering a glimpse of the facts shell need to know. Not every test question will be on there! So, youll need to make sure your child has actually grasped the ins and outs of the chapter if she wants to ace the test. An effective way to do it is with a reading and study strategy like SQ3R. The SQ3R Strategy Chances are good that youve heard of the SQ3R Strategy. The method was introduced by Francis Pleasant Robinson in his 1961 book, Effective Study, and remains popular because it enhances reading comprehension and study skills. Kids in third or fourth grade through adults in college can use the strategy solo to grasp and retain complex material from a textbook. Kids younger than that can use the strategy with an adult guiding them through the process. SQ3R utilizes pre-, during and post-reading strategies, and since it builds metacognition, your childs ability to monitor her own learning, its a highly effective tool for every subject in every grade shell encounter. If you happen to be unfamiliar with the method, SQ3R is an acronym that stands for these five active steps your child will take while reading a chapter: Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review. Survey Your child will browse through the chapter, reading titles, bold-faced words, introduction paragraphs, vocabulary words, subheadings, pictures, and graphics to grasp, in general, the content of the chapter. Question Your child will turn each one of the chapter subheadings into a question on a sheet of paper. When she reads, The Arctic Tundra, shell write, What is the Arctic Tundra?, leaving space underneath for an answer. Read Your child will read the chapter to answer the questions shes just created. She should write her answers in her own words in the space provided. Recite Your child will cover her answers and attempt to answer the questions without referring to the text or her notes. Review Your child will reread portions of the chapter about which she isnt clear. Here, she can also read the questions at the end of the chapter in order to test her knowledge of the content. In order for the SQ3R method to be effective, youll need to teach it to your child. So the first time the review guide goes missing, sit down and go through the process, surveying the chapter with her, helping her form questions, etc. Model it before she dives in so she knows what to do. Ensure She Retains The Chapter Content So, after applying the reading strategy, youre fairly confident that she understands what shes read, and can answer the questions youve created together. She has a solid knowledge base, but there are still three days before the test! Wont she forget whats shes learned? Its a great idea to have her learn the answers to the questions prior to the test, but in reality, drilling will force those specific questions, but nothing else, into your kids head. Besides, what if the teacher asks different questions than the ones youve learned together? Your child will learn more in the long run by getting a learning combo meal with knowledge as the main course and some higher-order thinking as a tasty side. Venn Diagrams Venn diagrams are perfect tools for kids in that they allow your child to process information and analyze it quickly and easily. If youre not aware of the term, a Venn diagram is a figure made of two interlocking circles. Comparisons are made in the space where the circles overlap; contrasts are defined in the space where the circles do not. A couple of days prior to the exam, hand your child a Venn Diagram and write one of the topics from the chapter on top of the left circle, and a correlative topic from your childs life on the other. For instance, if the chapter test is about biomes, write Tundra above one of the circles and the biome in which you live above the other. Or, if shes learning about Life on Plymouth Plantation, she could compare and contrast that with Life in the Smith Household. With this diagram, shes attaching new ideas to parts of her life with which shes already familiar, which helps her build meaning. A cold page filled with facts doesnt seem real, but when compared to something she knows, the new data suddenly crystallizes into something tangible. So, when she steps outside into the brilliant sunshine of a warm day, she may consider how cold a person might feel in the Arctic Tundra. Or the next time she uses a microwave to make popcorn, she may think about the difficulty of food acquisition on the Plymouth Plantation. Vocabulary Writing Prompts Another creative way to help your child gain a complete understanding of the textbook chapter for that big test coming up is with synthesis. This higher-order thinking skill can certainly help cement information from the textbook directly into your childs brain better than straight memorization can. An enjoyable, effortless way to have your child synthesize info is with a snazzy writing prompt. Heres how to set it up: As your child surveyed the chapter, she shouldve noticed the bold-faced vocabulary words scattered throughout. Lets say the chapter was about the Plains Native Americans, and she found vocabulary words such as expedition, ceremony, raid, maize, and shaman. Instead of having her memorize a definition shell have trouble remembering, instruct her to use the vocabulary words appropriately in a prompt like one of these: Using at least five of the vocabulary words from the chapter, compose a letter to the shaman from a warrior who is away on a raid.Youre visiting a Plains Native American tribe. Write a 1-2 paragraph description of the things you see, smell and hear using at least five of the vocabulary words from the chapter.You are a Plains Native American child. Using at least five of the vocabulary words from the chapter, convince an outsider that your tribe is the best place to grow up. By giving her a situation that may not have been described in the book, like a childs perspective, youre allowing your child to mesh knowledge she already has in her head with knowledge from the chapter shes just learned. This fusion creates a map for her to get to the new information on test day just by remembering her story. Brilliant! All is not lost when your child comes home sobbing because she mislaid her review guide for the umpteenth time. Sure, she needs to get an organizational system in place to help her keep track of her stuff, but in the meantime, you have a system in place to help her keep track of her test grades. Using the SQ3R Strategy to learn the test content and tools like Venn diagrams and vocabulary stories to reinforce it ensures that your child will ace her chapter test and totally redeem herself on exam day.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Report - Essay Example This is made much more difficult because it does not guarantee that they would secure a job as soon as they complete the University education. The high costs of the post secondary education is putting pressure on the families especially those with low-income levels, and this may influence the educational trends of individuals in the near future. The contents of the article are reliable because it is an extract of a report in the Financial Post online magazine, well-known for credentials in the contents of the articles they publish. The author is also well-known and credible based on the information in his previous articles posted in the Financial Post magazine. The author also makes use of credible sources of the statistics he uses to compare the current and the past tuition fees; the Canadian center for policy report and Statistics Canada among others. The information contained in the article reflects the actual state of affairs for a Canadian University student in the contemporary society which the students can identify. The author uses the comparison of the present charges of fees in the Canadian Universities making the information reliable. Eisen, Wensveen, B., & Wensveen, J. (2012, July 9). Arguments for cheap tuition are not supported by evidence. Troy Media. Retrieved from The article is a presentation of an analysis of Ivanovaââ¬â¢s argument that high fees prevent individuals especially from the poor families from accessing the higher education programs in Canada. The authors compare and contrast these arguments with others throughout the article and eventually do prove that there are better means of encouraging individuals to seek higher education besides lowering tuition fees. This, for instance, is because students from average backgrounds tend to have low grades that cannot allow them to join the higher education centers compared to students from higher social statuses with high grades. Policies that encourage students to embrace learning and performance in the early stages of their education may prove more productive. The Universities also have support services that allow average students with the qualifications to join the Universities by offering the financial support needed. Thus, other factors besides the increased fees prevent learners from pursuing further education. The data in the article are reliable based on the fact the authors analyzing the information are known policy analysts and analysts at the frontier center for public policy and have written previous credible works. The data analyzed are also related to the intensive research on education trends in both Ontario and Quebec institutions. The argument revolves around real life experiences with the tuition fees and the financial statuses of the students in the universities, hence, there are no assumptions on the availed figures. The source of the article is also cre dible, as Troy Media is a credible site for reliable information and data. Ryan, S. (2012, June 1). The case for zero tuition. National Post. Retrieved from The article
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Organization in Terms of Developing Leadership Diversity Essay
Organization in Terms of Developing Leadership Diversity - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the research that the leadership is highly autocracy, with Evans making a sole decision without consulting or communicating effectively to the workers. Evans is an amoral manager and acts with emotions to solve issues with no ethical reasoning towards the Asians cultural behaviors and religion. Jones is leading a team of people in a department. He had effective communication skills and managerial skills able to met various stakeholders and strike a balance. He has both responsible and with integrity as he noted the cultural issue within the organization. Both the leadership was accountable to the workers whereas the workers were not accountable to air their grievances on the issues instead they involved their spouses to address the issue. The workers lacked confidence and not proactive in addressing the cultural issue. The author would offer an authentic leadership; he would know the Asian cultural beliefs and values, by this, he will win the trust of the A sian community. The researcher will encourage an open door policy to increase information flow and communication. With knowledge of the situation, possible options available from the various responses and critical analysis of the immediate and future consequences, the author will call the leaders forum and develop a work plan to incorporate a win-win situation. Pat had preconceived notions on his success in IT thinking he has more expertise than the rest, further during the interview, he stated that the board should consider the position on the merit of work and reputation. Carmelita had a success in working across departments, i.e. teams, and suppliers and she could solve any problem arising in the section. Whereas Pat had more narrow capabilities only on technical and intelligence aspect.
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Baseball and Antitrust Laws Essay Example for Free
Baseball and Antitrust Laws Essay Any commerce with operations spanning state boundaries, thus undertaking interstate trade, is governed by antitrust laws. Efforts at monopolizing and controlling trade could be regarded unlawful by national circuit courts as per the Clayton and Sherman Acts. Baseball has always been immune from such antitrust regulations from 1922, upon the Supreme Courtââ¬â¢s verdict made baseball winner in Federal Baseball Club of Baltimore, Inc. v. National Baseball Clubs. It was determined that although planning of sports was done across State boundaries, such games constituted intrastate occasions since movement from state to state was not essential (Falk, 1994). The antirust immunity bars MLB from being legally challenged because of national antirust braches. Unless such immunity is removed by Congress, baseball proprietors make whatever decisions they wish because no antirust-related legal proceedings can be instituted against them. Whenever the proprietors attempt to modify baseball, the MLBPA quickly comes in to claim that they were not consulted (Bendix, 2008). Despite the fact that proprietors may do whatever they wish disregarding antitrust regulations, nothing which breaches the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) can be done. Such agreement requires that almost each dispute be mediated, like it is done with numerous labor deals. If the antirust immunity of baseball was cancelled, would this mean the changing of baseball? This is unlikely since the same regulations that govern NHL, NFL, and NBA would continue to govern baseball. The USA at the moment has antitrust regulations meant to bar businesses from controlling specific markets. Nevertheless, US baseball market has been monopolized by key league baseball for ages, thus preventing upcoming players from actually gaining footage. The US Supreme Court has defended Major League Baseballââ¬â¢s (MLB) liberty to monopolize in a number of instances. MLB remains the sole US monopoly in numerous ways, and has remained so from its beginning. Upon the 1903 merger of the National League (NL) with the American League (AL), such partnership immediately proved successful. Such success was surely bound to invite imitation. Therefore a different baseball league almost immediately demonstrated willingness to challenge the NL/AL monopoly. The Federal League began as an insignificant league; however, it espoused key intentions (Anderson, 2002). By 1914, numerous individuals regarded such Federal League to be a main league; the league itself desired to officially confirm this. The Federal League (FL) took legal action against Major League Baseball on 5th January 1915 for disrupting their efforts at hiring players who were between agreements that is, not governed by the Reserve Clause, from the American National League, citing national antitrust law. The case was heard by Kennesaw Mountain Landhis, reputed for his firm observance of the law. However, Ladhis was as well a big fan of Chicago Cubs. He knew that the Federal Leagueââ¬â¢s case was a justifiable one, however, his favorite team, the Cubs, would suffer if FL won the case, and thus Ladhis kept such case under advisement as opposed to immediately issuing a verdict. The FLââ¬â¢s 19156 collapse made everyone happy. The Baltimore Federal League license proprietors tried to buy out a team of the Major League (ML) only to be rejected. They subsequently attempted to purchase a franchise of the International league; they were once more rejected. The proprietor of White Sox, Chalets Chomsky, offended Baltimore city by saying that the metropolis constituted a bad and insignificant league. Charles Ebbets, the proprietor of Dodgers, added to the insult by stating that the metropolis was among the worst insignificant league metropolis because of having excess colored people. The perspective proprietors then took legal action against ML baseball, alleging a scheme to tear down the FL. In April 1919, a law court declared the Baltimore proprietors the winners of the suit, thus awarding them damages worth $240,000. An appeal was instituted in 1920, with the appeal ruling being made in 1921 (Barra, 2003). The 1921 ruling nullified the decision of the junior court and declared that baseball did not constitute the type of trade national law ought to standardize. The US Supreme Court endorsed such a ruling on May 22nd 1922, thus strengthening baseballââ¬â¢s antitrust immunity. In the Federal Baseball Club v. National League, the Supreme Court gave the verdict that ML baseball remained immune from the Sherman Antitrust Act provisions. Following the 1915 folding of the FL, majority of the FL proprietors were purchased by proprietors within the other MLs, or had received compensation in other modes. For instance, St. Louis FL owner was authorized to purchase the St Louis Browns. Baltimore Federal League club owner did not get this authorization and hence he took legal action against the American league, National League, as well as additional defendants, such as a number of FL officials. The suit alleged a plot to dominate baseball through demolishing the FL (Rovell, 2001). The listed defendants were declared jointly answerable, with $80,000 worth of damages assessed. The figure was tripled to total $240,000 as per the Clayton Antitrust Act provisions. Such immunity, as well as the monopoly of MLB, was unchallenged up to 1972. Curt Flood took legal action against baseball following his sale to Philadelphia Phillies from the Saint Louis Cardinals following 1969ââ¬â¢s season. Such a case ultimately reached the Supreme Court, where the initial decision was endorsed with Congress left to rectify the inconsistency. Despite the fact that Flood did not win the case, he set the precedence for wage negotiation, and immediately afterwards, free action. At the moment free agency survives, however such antitrust immunity is as well law. Baseball was not to be awarded antitrust immunity if the Baltimore League squad owners had been reimbursed after the league was disbanded. All other squadââ¬â¢s proprietors were compensated with the exception of Baltimore, thus prompting their filing of the initial antitrust lawsuit. Such immunity is suspect, and several observers are convinced that it may once more be upheld in a law court. Nevertheless, from the Flood case of 1972, no any one case has been even close to being heard at the Supreme Court (Barra, 2006). In addition MLBââ¬â¢s domination has not been challenged by any league since the 1950s unsuccessful Continental League. The National Federal League has been engrossed in majority of the major antitrust court cases, such as, its lawsuits against the US Football League. Such cases have demonstrated that antitrust lawsuits are not essentially fatal. Despite that fact that the NFL lost the two cases, numerous lawsuits have been previously won by sports leagues. In antitrust lawsuits, such leagues have to demonstrate that they did not breach antitrust regulations through demonstrating that their activities generally, served to promote contest more as opposed to inhibiting it. Despite the fact that Al Davis legally defeated the NFL, the NFL could as well have emerged victorious if it possessed an unambiguous guidelines and adhered to them rather than acting because they particularly disliked Al Davis (Bartree, 2005). In addition, despite the fact that USFL legally beat NFL, a mere $3 worth of damages was awarded. If the US Congress completely revokes the antirust immunity of baseball, some interesting enduring consequences could result. Firstly, the key leagues are to be affected. Insignificant-league baseball t the moment relies on the ongoing presence of the Reserve Clause , which permits major-league teams to legally control players even following the expiry of the playersââ¬â¢ contracts. Such Reserve Clause permits the existence of deep insignificant-league structures within baseball by permitting such teams to control numerous players not in their key-league rosters. NBA and NFL do not have any minor-league structures. Hockey has insignificant-league squads; however, such are mediated into the joint bargaining of hockey with the players. The Reserve Clause is likely to be legally challenged if the antitrust immunity of baseball is lost. In case such clause is determined to breach antitrust regulations, baseball squads could be forced surrender the legal claims to a number of or even every of their insignificant-league players. With no interest to develop the team members whom they formerly controlled, big-league squads would be less motivated to offer support to their insignificant-league partners through subsidizing their activities (Blum, 2001). This has thus made insignificant leagues lobby Congress to uphold the antitrust immunity of baseball. Without such immunity insignificant leagues would be forced to modify their activities, to become more similar to free insignificant early 1900s leagues rather than be under MLB. Proprietors would have no power regarding discussing with team members due to lack of legal standing to possess a Reserve Clause. When squads have no rights over team members, there will be less willingness to recruit high school players and accord them 4 or 5 development years, particularly if they are forced to dwell much on major league rosters. This could imply a major impetus fro baseball in colleges, and perhaps also for global baseball leagues (Rovell, 2001). Such would form the major MLBââ¬â¢s propagation ground as has been for basketball and football. If the antitrust immunity is revoked, franchise transfer, and particularly contraction, would from the greatest challenge. Close to thirty years have elapsed since a single baseball squad relocated from one metropolis to the other. Since that time, the other 3 games have progressed since the antitrust immunity grants baseball proprietors extra authority to bar squads from relocating than the proprietors have within other games. Such authority was especially apparent in 1992 at the time when the Tampa/St. Petersburg Vince Piazzaââ¬â¢s group wanted to purchase the Giants from Bob Lurie at $115 million. The proprietors declined to allow such sale, and then compelled Lurie to accept $100 million from Peter Mogowan for the squad. Piazza instituted legal proceedings against MLB, actually winning the initial round of the case. The court stated that the antitrust immunity did not cover relocations (Belth, 2001). However, the Curt Flood Act currently holds that immunity does touch on relocations. Absence of antitrust immunity makes it hard to bar teams from relocating by the MLB. Attempts to block relocations would surely be met with lawsuits instituted by the cities or teams that were attempting to relocate. Baseball would be tasked with the responsibility to demonstrating that barring such relocation would benefit contest, plus that the resolution was founded on unambiguous guidelines. If Congress repealed the immunity, the contraction war would most likely not be based on Twinââ¬â¢s release and labor deals. Contraction challengers would posit that the proprietors were attempting to get rid of 2 competitors so as to raise profits; this is a typical antitrust breach (Falk, 1994). The proprietors would be forced to defend such relocation arguing that they were enhancing competition within the game. It is difficult to determine whether America or baseball would benefit if the antitrust immunity of baseball is revoked. Attorneys would surely benefit owing to increased lawsuits. The proprietors would benefit since the MLB has previously won against attempts to revoke the immunity and Congress always takes it time. References Anderson, P. (2002). Recent major league baseball contraction cases. Retrieved august 4th 2009, from http://law. marquette. edu/cgi-bin/site. pl? 2130pageID=474 Barra, A. (2003). Policy debate: Should the antitrust exemption be eliminated? Retrieved august 4th 2009, from http://swcollege. com/bef/policy_debates/baseball. html Barra, A. (2006). Policy debate: Should the antitrust exemption be eliminated? Retrieved august 4th 2009, from http://www. swlearning. com/economics/policy_debates/baseball. html Bartree, H. (2005). The role of antirust laws in the professional sports industry from a financial perspective. Retrieved august 4th 2009, from http://www. thesportjournal. org/article/role-antitrust-laws-professional-sports-industry-financial-perspective Belth, A. (November 26th 2001). Ending baseballs antitrust exemption. Retrieved august 4th 2009, from http://courses. cit. cornell. edu/econ352jpw/readme/Baseball%20Prospectus%20-%20Ending%20Baseball%27s%20Antitrust%20Exemption. htm Bendix, P. (December 3rd 2008). The history of baseballââ¬â¢s antitrust exemption. Retrieved august 4th 2009, from http://www. beyondtheboxscore. com/2008/12/3/678134/the-history-of-baseball-s Blum, R. (June 12th 2001). Why is the antitrust exemption important? Retrieved august 4th 2009, from http://www. usatoday. com/sports/baseball/stories/2001-12-05-antitrust-explanation. htm
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
The Symbolism of the Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence Essay -- Stone A
The Symbolism of the Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence Margaret Laurence's novel, The Stone Angel is a compelling journey of flashbacks seen through the eyes of Hagar Shipley, a ninety year-old woman nearing the end of her life.Ã In the novel, Margaret Laurence, uses the stone angel to effectively symbolize fictional characters.Ã Ã The term symbolism in its broadest sense means the use of an object to stand for something other than itself.Ã In The Stone Angel, Margaret Laurence uses the stone angel to sybmolize the Currie family values and pride and in particular, the pride and cold personality traits of Hagar Shipley.Ã There are three primary areas where the stone angel is used to symbolize characters in the novel.Ã They are: the Currie family pride as a symbol of egoism and materialism, Hagar's lack of compassion for her family and friends as symbolized by a heart of stone, and Hagar's blindness to the feelings and needs of the others as symbolized by the blindness of the angel.Ã Ã The stone angel is symbolic of the Currie family pride and values.Ã The stone angel memorial is purchased and brought from Italy by Jason Currie at great expense and placed at the grave site of his wife, in the Manawaka cemetery.Ã The stone angel is the largest and most expensive memorial in the cemetery.Ã Although the stone angel is intended to be a memorial for Mrs. Currie, it was not really suitable because Hagar describes her as being meek and a feeble ghost.Ã The angel is not intended for Mrs. Currie, but in fact, represents the materialistic and egotistical values that characterizes Jason and later, Hagar.Ã Jason purchases the stone angel in pride and not in grief over the death of this wife: "bought in pride to mark her bones and ... ...from her point of view and is blind to the needs and aspirations of others.Ã She can only see things from her side of the fence and cannot see how others view the world from the other side.Ã She is a blind as the stone statue. Although the Currie?s family pride is symbolized repeatedly by the stone angel throughout the novel, it is Hagar who is best symbolized the stone angel.Ã The angel aptly symbolizes the blindness, hardness, and lack of feelings that are characteristics Hagar displays during her life.Ã In retrospect, Hagar is the stone angel. Works Cited and Consulted Blewett, D.. "The Unity of the Manawaka Cycle." The World of the Novel: A Student's Guide to Margaret Laurence's The Stone Angel. Ed. Lillian Perigoe and Beverly Copping. Scarborough: Prentice Hall Inc., 1983. Laurence, Margaret. The Stone Angel. Toronto: McClelland &Stewart Inc., 1988.
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