Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Organizations and Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizations and Management - Case Study Example Some employees avoid interacting with members of other cultures/ethnicities and/or view them as "undesirable" staff. This case vividly portrays that interpersonal communication employed by the CEO is ineffective and inefficient caused by different values and traditions of people, and poor interaction between all employees. For instance, the CEO and Western employees have different perception and understanding of the "family" concept of organizational culture but the CEO is unable to recognize these difficulties and problems experienced by the subordinates. The "western" are perceived as impolite and disruptive because of different communication n corms and traditions which have not been communicated and explained to Westerns people by the CEO (Wood, 2003). 2. The case study vividly portrays the important role of CEO and his vision in organizational culture. Communication should be seen as a process by which knowledge that resides in one or more people comes to be represented in one or more others. Certainly the transfer of knowledge is not the only thing that happens in communication, and for certain purposes it may not be the most useful way of thinking about the process. Below we refer briefly to some other dimensions of communication that may be important for cooperative work. Underlying the knowledge transfer view of communication is the assumption that any communicative act rests on a base of mutual knowledge (West and Turner 2006). The example of Mainland Enterprises reveals a set of mechanisms derives from the fact that individuals can often be assigned to social categories, and such category membership often predicts individual knowledge. Of course, category membership is not a perfect predictor of knowledge. Conversation (and similar interactive forms) permits communicators to formulate messages that are tightly linked to the immediate knowledge and perspectives of the individual participants, because it affords the participants moment-to-moment information on each others' understanding. Such information permits the formulation of messages that are extremely efficient because they are based on a reasonably precise assessment of the hearer's current knowledge and understanding. The distinction between self and other is rather a rudimentary one, but it can be shown that the Western employees differentiate between message recipients (Knapp and Vangelisti 2004). The problem of misperception and misunderstanding is caused by patriarchal and autocratic management style of the CEO. he does not permit freedom of choice trying to control decision-making and problem-solving within the company. These causes provide stronger support for the common ground hypothesis than the relatively narrow margin of difference between the friend and stranger conditions would lead one to conclude, because the experimental situation was one that would minimize the likelihood of finding such differences. This situation proves that in communicating with "friends" and "family", employees are likely to have direct and detailed knowledge of the information

Monday, October 28, 2019

Perfect competition Essay Example for Free

Perfect competition Essay Monopoly and monopolistic competitions, basic concepts monopoly means a market situation in which there is only a single seller and large no. of buyers. whereas monopolistic competition is a market situation in which there is large no. of sellers and large no. of buyers. in monopolistic competition, close substitutes are there in the sense that products are different in terms of size, colour,packaging,brand,price etc. as in case of soap,toothpaste etc. but in monopoly, there is no close substitute of the good,if any, it will be a remote substitute like in India, Indian railways has its monopoly but its remote substitutes are present like bus and air service. in monopolistic competition, there is aggressive advertising but in monopoly, there is no advertising at all or a very little. in monopolistic competition,demand curve faced by the firm is more elastic because of availability of close substitutes. it means if a firm raises its price, it will loose its large market share as customers in large will shift to close substitutes present in the market. but in monopoly, the demand curve faced by the firm is less elastic because of no close substitutes. if means if the firm raises its price, demand will not fall in a large quantity as it is only one in the market. u have to understand that the four different kinds, perfect, monopolistic, oligopoly, monopoly are on a spectrum with perfect and monopoly on the extremes, monopolistic is very similar to perfect, and monopoly is different that its a hard market to enter, because theres very few firms and require a big budget to get started. look up the graphs for these competitions and you should have a better understanding MONOPOLY IN TELECOMMUNICATION . Competition in Telecommunications Services Experience has demonstrated that free and open competition benefits individual consumers and societies as a whole by ensuring lower prices, new and better products and services, and expanded consumer choice. The benefits of competition are readily seen in todays telecommunications sector. Dynamic technological change is resulting in new services and systems that provide innovative solutions to communications needs across the globe. As a result, telecommunications is becoming increasingly important to the efficiency and effectiveness of private and public sector institutions. In this environment of rapid change, a competitive marketplace will tap the potential of the telecommunications sector to serve the economic and social well-being of all citizens. BENEFITS OF COMPETITION Free and open competition benefits individual consumers and the global community by ensuring lower prices, new and better products and services, and greater consumer choice than occurs under monopoly conditions. In an open market, producers compete to win customers by lowering prices, developing new services that best meet the needs of customers. A competitive market promotes innovation by rewarding producers that invent, develop, and introduce new and innovative products and production processes. By doing so, the wealth of the society as a whole is increased. In a competitive environment, businesses that fail to understand and react to consumer needs face the loss of customers and declining profits. A policy framework to establish, foster, and regulate competition is critical to the delivery of benefits expected and demanded by consumers. In other words, competition rewards entrepreneurship, responsiveness, and enthusiasm; it punishes sluggishness and indifference. Because of the increasing importance of the telecommunications sector to the overall economy, countries can ill afford the sluggishness and indifference that so often characterize the provision of products and services under monopoly conditions. As developments in technology continue to produce efficient and exciting communications services, societies may be significantly disadvantaged if they forego the rewards of entrepreneurship and responsiveness associated with open, competitive telecommunications markets. POLICY GOALS TO ACHIEVE COMPETITIVE MARKETS In order to achieve the benefits of competition described above, governments and regulators must establish an appropriate policy framework to govern the telecommunications sector. First, governments should remove legal barriers that protect existing monopoly providers from competition by new entrants. Second, policymakers should take affirmative steps to promote competition in sectors of the market that were previously closed to competition. Examples of these steps include adopting policies that encourage multiple methods and modes of market entry. Third, policymakers should consider introducing competitive safeguards to protect against the exercise of market power by incumbent carriers during the transition to competition. The most fundamental of these competitive safeguards involves regulation of the terms and conditions governing interconnection with the existing monopoly providers network. In the United States, although important steps were made to promote competition in the telecommunications sector prior to passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the law firmly established the intent to provide for a pro-competitive, deregulatory national policy framework designed to accelerate private sector deployment of advanced telecommunications and information technologies and services to all Americans by opening all telecommunications markets to competition. EFFECTS OF COMPETITION IN THE TELECOMMUNICATION SECTOR. The benefits of introducing competition in telecommunications markets are apparent in all segments of the telecommunications market. For instance, competition in the United States and many other countries in long distance and international telecommunications services has led to a dramatic decline in consumer rates for these services, as well as a dramatic increase in demand and a substantial increase in investment. International telecommunications services can be particularly important to the development of a stable and robust economy linked to the global marketplace. The 1997 WTO Agreement on Basic Telecommunications Services ushered in a new era for telecommunications competition in many countries of the world. As part of that agreement, 72 countries have made commitments to open their telecommunications markets to foreign suppliers of basic telecommunications services. As these countries implement their commitments, dramatic change has occurred in their telecommunications markets. In many countries, there are several new providers of international and domestic telecommunications services, and prices are dramatically lower. As a result, increased competition has led to lower international settlement rates in many countries which, in turn, has led to lower calling prices for consumers. Lower calling prices means that people can afford to make more calls, more often, creating closer ties between family and friends in different countries and strengthening business relationships. Thus, introducing competition in international telecommunications markets produces benefits throughout a countrys economy. In addition, as part of the WTO Agreement, 49 countries made commitments to open their satellite service markets. These commitments have helped increase the ability of global and regional satellite providers to obtain the requisite authorizations for their systems. Similarly, in many countries private investment and competition in the provision of terrestrial wireless telecommunications infrastructure has led to declining prices for, and widespread use of, wireless telephone service. In areas where teledensity can increase, moreover, price reductions may expand the number of households that can afford service. This increased demand may make build-out decisions more attractive. For example, in Chile, lower prices increased traffic by 260% from 1994 to 1997. In 1987, there were 6. 7 phones per 100 households in Chile; this number rose to 11 in 1992 and to 15. 2 in 1996. As lower prices stimulate greater demand, an overall increase in revenues results despite additional providers in the market. In the U. S. long distance market, lower prices, in combination with an expanding market for services, have offset revenue loss from price reductions and the decrease in market share. For example, while ATTs long distance market share fell from 90% in 1984 to 45% in 1997, its revenues increased from $35 billion to $40 billion during this same period. Thus, although ATT lost market share, its revenues increased in a competitive marketplace. The benefits from introducing competition in international and domestic telecommunications markets can be fully realized, however, only when market participants have the incentive to compete vigorously to attract the greatest amount of business. It has been the U. S.experience that these incentives exist only where there is open entry into the telecommunications services market. Where entry is limited, or where only one or two new entrants are allowed to compete against the incumbent carrier, the benefits of competition are limited as well. For instance, when cellular telephone service was first introduced into the United States in the 1980s there were only two licensees in each market. As a result, prices remained relatively high and demand was more limited. After additional licenses were authorized in each market, priced dropped, new services were introduced and demand exploded. BUILDING A TELECOMMUNICATIONS SECTOR AS A PART OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Developing countries face many infrastructure challenges. While roads, water, and electricity are obvious fundamental requirements, development of a strong communications and information system is vital for the country to survive and prosper. As global developments increasingly push competition and its benefits, developing countries can realize these benefits in part through encouraging the establishment of an indigenous telecommunications sector. And one highly effective way to achieve this is to promote and nurture the growth of small and entrepreneurial entities within that sector. The United States experience provides some insight. Historically, most of the cutting- edge commercial and technology breakthroughs in the United States have been developed by individual entrepreneurs or small businesses, from Alexander Graham Bell to Bill Gates. Additionally, Americas 22 million small businesses produce more than half of the nations gross domestic product, and businesses employing fewer than twenty people have created all 99. 99 percent of the nations new jobs in recent years. Such a phenomenal success story is due not only to the free enterprise system and profit motive, but also to a carefully developed government policy of supporting and nurturing small businesses. The U. S. has implemented numerous federal programs to assist small businesses in harnessing the engines of economic growth and innovation loan guarantee programs, technical assistance programs, investment programs, anti- discrimination regulatory programs, outreach efforts, information and training programs. Congress. established the Telecommunications Development Fund, some $25 million, to invest in promising new telecommunications businesses. Obviously the environment and situation of most developing countries is quite different from that in the United States, and overcoming an embedded monopoly telecom provider is something weve never had to do. Still, some basic steps privatizing, establishing an independent regulator, developing helpful tax and labor laws, a willingness to waive regulatory and filing requirements to the extent possible can produce great benefits. A developing country could make it a condition for foreign carriers and operators serving seeking to provide service to (or within) its territory to undertake efforts to promote or support indigenous and start-up businesses. Supporting the growth of small and entrepreneurial telecom businesses by various means can lead to permanent economic gains for developing nations economies, and to full participation in the global telecom marketplace. METHODS OF INTRODUCING COMPETITION IN THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SECTOR Restricting methods and modes of entry can cause investment distortions and result in higher prices to consumers. It is by allowing the marketplace to select preferred approaches that policymakers encourage efficient entry. Three methods are typically used to introduce competition into the telecommunications sector: * Facilities-based competition * Unbundling of network elements * Resale In addition, a technologically neutral policy fosters innovative systems and alternative facilities designed to meet the needs of the marketplace. For example, the construction of a wireless network may be more appropriate in some markets than the development of a competing wireline carrier. Facilities-Based Competition. When a new entrant constructs a network using its own facilities to reach its customers (i. e. , without using the incumbent carriers network), that type of entry is commonly referred to as full facilities-based competition. By developing a new network, a facilities-based competitor is not constrained by existing, possibly obsolete embedded plant and instead can install the newest, most efficient technology. As a result, the competitor will be able to supply new or additional services such as faster transmission and switching speeds or higher bandwidth capacity, and may be able to do so at lower costs than the incumbent. Facilities-based competitors not only directly benefit their customers but also create competitive pressure for the incumbent to upgrade its network. In addition, facilities-based entry allows the marketplace to drive competition with less regulatory presence. As discussed more fully below, full facilities-based entrants still require interconnection for the mutual exchange of traffic with other providers. New entrants customers need to be able to communicate with subscribers on other networks, especially the incumbents network where the majority of users obtain their service. Without the ability to interconnect on fair terms, a new facilities-based competitor cannot survive. Use of Unbundled Network Elements While full facilities-based competition has many advantages, it may not always be practical for a new entrant to construct an entire network. For example, it may be economically feasible to construct switching and long distance facilities but infeasible to construct local loops or last mile facilities that connect to customer locations. This might be due to economies of scale or the practical difficulties associated with acquiring needed rights-of-way. Thus, a second entry route is one in which the new entrant constructs portions of a network and purchases access to the relevant essential facilities of the incumbent providers network, such as the local loop. This method of entry is referred to as using unbundled network elements, and typically must be required by law or regulation. Entry through the use of unbundled network elements has a number of important advantages. First, it reduces entry barriers by allowing new entrants to begin offering service without having to construct an entire network. Second, on a longer term basis, it prevents the incumbent carrier from exploiting any residual monopoly power that may arise through remaining economies of scale or from the practical difficulties of obtaining needed rights-of-way, antenna sites for wireless systems, etc. Third, it allows new entrants additional avenues of innovation. For example, new entrants can purchase unbundled loops from the established carrier and use them with entirely different types of technologies (e. g. , packet switches based upon Internet Protocol (IP)) than those employed by the incumbent carrier. In this arrangement, consumers benefit from these new and better services and additional choices that competition provides. Regulatory intervention is necessary in order to require the incumbent carrier to unbundle its network and to price the resulting elements at economically efficient prices. More specifically, incumbents should be required to provide any requesting telecommunications carrier non-discriminatory access to elements of the incumbents network on an unbundled basis on rates, terms and conditions that are just, reasonable, and non-discriminatory. Incumbents should be required to provide any reasonable method of interconnection, including physical collocation or virtual collocation, or interconnection at a point between the incumbents and new entrants network. In the United States, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 identified a minimum list of network elements that incumbent local exchange carriers must unbundle. These network elements include: local loops, network interface devices, local and tandem switching capabilities, interoffice transmission facilities, signaling and call-related databases, operations support systems, and operator services and directory assistance facilities. In addition, new entrants should have access to pole lines, ducts, conduits, and rights-of-way owned or controlled by the incumbent. Resale In the telecommunications context, resale occurs when competitors obtain a service at a discounted or wholesale rate from the underlying, established carrier and then sell the service to their own customers. Resale can serve a multi-faceted role in promoting and sustaining competition in telecommunications services. Resale may be an effective entry vehicle for new entrants that may initially lack the necessary capital to build their own networks. Resale may also allow small competitors, which will not become facilities-based providers, to offer service. In addition, resellers may stimulate usage of the incumbents network, and thus may benefit the incumbent facilities-based provider and further growth of the entire sector. Moreover, this competition may help to keep prices lower for consumers, increase consumer choice, and ultimately stimulate economic growth. Experience in the U. S. long distance market suggests that resale can yield significant public benefits. Resale competition takes the form of arbitrage, where a reseller purchases a large number of minutes at a quantity discount and resells them to small customers at prices lower than the retail prices otherwise available to those customers. By providing affordable prices for the customer, resellers stimulate demand and thus compel facilities-based carriers to bring their prices closer to actual costs. At the same time, the increased competition from resellers expands the availability of innovative services, such as new billing terms and alternative rate structures. In particular, resellers can create consumer value by creating different billing plans or targeting their marketing to under-served groups within the community. Many countries have committed to a policy of resale as part of the WTO Basic Telecommunications Agreement to provide market access for basic telecommunications services. For smaller countries, resale provides some of the benefits of competition even if the total amount of telecommunications traffic generated is insufficient to attract multiple facilities-based carriers. Resellers may resell an entire service without modification, which is referred to as Total Service Resale. Resellers may also choose to obtain some services from the underlying carrier and combine them with services that they provide themselves. For example, a carrier may offer long distance services using its own switching facilities but lease long haul facilities from the incumbent provider. Resale also allows providers to offer bundles of different services without actually constructing the necessary facilities. By doing so, they can achieve certain economies in terms of marketing while providing a package of services for the convenience of their customers. For example, a local exchange carrier can offer long distance services without constructing long haul facilities. Similarly, a carrier offering both local and long- distance services could add mobile services to its package without constructing its own wireless network. In many industries resale occurs as a natural part of the development of markets. However, in telecommunications, a dominant carrier may be required by law or regulation to make its services available for resale. In particular, a regulatory requirement may be necessary to force the underlying carrier to offer services at a wholesale rate. In a competitive market, however, some providers may find a source of revenue in the provision of services on a wholesale basis. This often occurs when the facilities-based carrier has excess capacity on its network. In the U. S. long distance market, some carriers have constructed nationwide fiber-optic networks with the intent of offering transmission services on a wholesale basis to other carriers. Real market experience has shown that resale can spur competition. The growth of competition in the U. S. long distance market resulted from a combination of the facilities-based and resale competition models. From the early stages of long distance competition, facilities-based providers and resellers have actively competed against one another. This approach resulted in more affordable rates, new service offerings, and numerous new entrants. Despite the obvious benefits of resale, it has limitations. First of all, the reseller is limited to a greater or lesser extent by the technical features and functions of the underlying carriers network. This limits the ability of the reseller to innovate. Second, resale alone does not put competitive pressure on wholesale rates and services because the underlying carrier may not be subject to competitive pressures to innovate at the wholesale level. This means that the regulator must retain some degree of control over the pricing, terms and conditions of the wholesale offering. INTERCONNECTION, THE KEY TO COMPETITIVE SUCCESS The key to competition within telecommunications services is the ability of networks to interconnect. Interconnection allows communications to occur across networks, linking competitors so customers of different networks can communicate with one another. For competition to be successful at maximizing consumer benefits and innovation in the telecommunications market, carriers that compete for customers must also provide competitors with access to those customers. Shared access to customers occurs through interconnection, and access to all customers is necessary both for successful entry and for continued competition. If the incumbent, with the vast majority of customers, does not interconnect with new entrants, it is unlikely that the new entrants will remain economically viable. A regulatory framework is needed to aid in the transition from a monopoly environment to a competitive environment because a monopoly or dominant provider has a strategic interest to keep out or minimize competitors in its market. As a result, the monopoly or dominant provider has a strong incentive to limit interconnection. Therefore, a regulator that is independent of any operator and of inappropriate political influence should adopt rules that give new entrants bargaining strength equal to the incumbents. The price of interconnection (or transport and termination), for example, could serve as a significant barrier to entry for new networks. An incumbent monopolist has an incentive to demand a high price to terminate calls originating on a new entrants network and pay nothing for calls originating on its own network. In the United States, transport and termination charges are reciprocal and based on the long run incremental cost of providing the transport and termination on the incumbents network. Thus, the primary purpose of mandated interconnection is to foster a competitive environment that is fair to all competitors. Because the incumbent service provider has the vast majority of customers, a new entrant must be able to interconnect in order to provide full access to its customers. Without the ability to interconnect, new entrants would be severely restricted in their ability to compete with the incumbent. REGULATORY TOOLS FOR PROTECTING AGAINST THE EXERCISE OF MARKET POWER DURING THE TRANSITION TO COMPETITION Special problems may arise when a telecommunications carrier with monopoly power in the provision of a particular service or facility wants to offer a competitive service that is dependent upon the use of the monopoly service or facility. This may occur, for example, where competition has been introduced in the long distance and international markets but the local market remains a monopoly. The two problems are cost- shifting/cross-subsidization and discrimination. The first problem arises if the monopoly service is regulated on a rate-of-return (profit) basis. If so, there is an incentive for the carrier with monopoly power to shift costs from the competitive service to the monopoly service. Shifting costs in this manner artificially raises the price of the monopoly service and allows the carrier to charge below-cost rates for the competitive service. This results in the captive customers paying above- cost rates for the monopoly services and hampers the development of a viable market for the competitive services. An example of this situation could occur when a carrier with monopoly power in the provision of local facilities or services wants to enter the long distance market or information services market. The second problem occurs when control over an essential service or facility necessary for a competitive service enables the monopoly carrier to discriminate in favor of its own competitive offering. For example, a carrier with monopoly power in the provision of local facilities or services has the incentive to discriminate in favor of its own long distance or information service. This discrimination may manifest itself in the form of better quality interconnection or faster installation times for needed facilities or services. What follows is an overview of some of the tools that are available to policymakers and regulators to discourage or prevent cost-shifting/cross-subsidization and discrimination. These tools or techniques can be used alone or in combination. The more stringent techniques may be appropriate when and where the threat is greatest. Less stringent techniques may be appropriate as competition takes hold in the previously monopolized market. Outright Prohibition on Providing the Competitive Product or Service One technique for preventing a carrier with monopoly power from cross-subsidizing and discriminating in the provision of a competitive service is to prohibit the carrier from entering the competitive market. Outright prohibitions have been and are being used in the United States. For example, the original agreement (Consent Decree) that led to the divestiture of the Bell Operating Companies from ATT prohibited the former from certain activities, including the provision of certain long distance services and information services. Under the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the Bell Operating Companies are prohibited from offering long distance services and alarm services until certain conditions are met. While outright prohibition prevents cross-subsidization and discrimination, it may also deny the public the benefits of possible economies of scale or scope that may be derived if the carrier is allowed to provide the competitive service. Outright prohibition may also deny the public the benefits of innovation that might come from the participation of the monopoly carrier in the competitive market. Price Caps for Regulated Monopoly Services The incentive to shift costs from a competitive service to a monopoly service exists under profit regulation. Under price cap regulation, the prices of the monopoly services are capped (indexed to inflation and expected productivity increases). Price cap regulation has a number of advantages, including incentives for the carrier to be more efficient. It also discourages the monopoly provider from shifting costs from the competitive activity to the monopoly activity, because if the price of the monopoly service is capped, there is no incentive to shift costs from the competitive service to the monopoly service. Separate Subsidiary Requirement Under this requirement, the carrier with monopoly power is allowed to provide the competitive service, but only through a separate subsidiary or affiliate. The separate subsidiary requirement is combined with an obligation that the monopoly carrier treat the affiliated company no better than it treats unaffiliated providers of the competitive service. In other words, the monopoly carrier must deal with the affiliate on an arms- length basis. The regulator has the ability to control the degree of separateness. Examples of the requirements for separateness can include requirements that the monopoly provider and its affiliate: * Maintain separate books of account. * Utilize separate officers and personnel * Employ separate marketing activities * Not share common equipment or facilities * Adhere to certain restrictions on information flows that would unfairly benefit the competitive affiliate In addition, a typical requirement is that if the affiliate must obtain any transmission services from the monopoly provider, it must do so on a tariffed basis. Tariffing Requirements Tariffing is a fundamental technique traditionally used to protect users (both consumers and other carriers) against discrimination. Tariffing requires the regulated monopolist to file tariffs explaining its service rates, terms and conditions with the regulatory agency and to adhere to those rates, terms and conditions once the tariff is filed. Through the tariff and enforcement processes, which include opportunities for public comment, the regulator has some ability to prevent cross-subsidization and discrimination. Accounting Separation A requirement to maintain separate books of account can be adopted even without the imposition of a separate subsidiary requirement. Accounting separation typically requires the regulated monopoly provider to set up and maintain separate books of account for the competitive activity and to adhere to prescribed methods of separating costs. This provides a degree of protection against cross-subsidization. Imputation Requirements An imputation requirement obligates the regulated monopolist to charge the same amount for a service or facility provided to a competitive affiliate or operation that it charges to an unaffiliated provider, and to include that amount in the price it charges for the competitive service. Service Quality Reporting Requirements A service quality reporting requirement obligates the regulated monopolist to collect date and report on the quality of the services provided to both affiliated and unaffiliated competitors. This helps regulators detect and correct discrimination in the provision of essential services or facilities to competitors. Resale Requirements As discussed earlier, a resale requirement has a number of advantages in promoting competition. Resale can also help prevent cross-subsidization. For example, where a carrier has market power in the provision of switched services but there is competition in the provision of private lines, the carrier may try to increase the price of the switched service in order to cross-subsidize and thus under-price its private line offering. If the carrier is required to allow the resale of the private line offerings, however, entrepreneurs could combine the private lines with their own switching, and undercut the prices of the monopolists switched service offering. This has the effect of discouraging the carrier with market power from engaging in cross-subsidization. Unbundling Requirements An unbundling requirement forces the regulated monopolist to make network elements available to competitors on an unbundled basis under rates, terms and conditions that are just, reasonable, and non-discriminatory.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

I, Too, Am America :: essays research papers

I, Too, Am America by kooshla America, the melting pot of the world, and yet its different races have so much trouble melding together. According to statistics, in all probability, I have a higher chance than any other race teenager of not graduating from high school. By stereotype, all I do is eat fried chicken, sell drugs, and play basketball. In society, I might work twice as hard as the next man and not get the promotion. I am a part of the percentage who chooses to defy the probability, break the stereotype, and change society. I, Too, Am America. Unfortunately, in my experience through junior and senior high, the common black attitude towards education has been one of neglect. Not caring about one "F," or the other, careening through high school with a gpa of 1.5. However, there are those who really care about their grades, earning the respect of their peers and friends. I strive to be in the latter group, so that I can better myself. For every black student who makes that extra effort, that better grade, there will be another person who becomes more enlightened to the facts and not the fiction of black life in America. In the act of improving my mind, I am not only helping myself but furthering the cause for complete equality throughout the nation. As part of America's black youth, I must grow up in a world of racism, no matter what supposed "huge steps" have been made. It is up to me not to use this as an excuse but as an obstacle to surmount. In my lifetime I will be faced with prejudice which may hinder my progress. This opposition must not be met with excuses for substandard work, or inadequate job qualification. It must be met with a serious work ethic, justly qualified applicants, and intelligence so not to be denied for any reason. Through this procedure black people will gain equality and vanquish the racist mentality. I will be one of those people to meet the adversary with full force of mind. I am a black teenager who plays soccer and tennis. Sometimes I am ridiculed for playing these sports by other blacks. I also face ridicule when I make good grades and care about my school work. There will be times when I will have to fight against my own race to get where I want to be in life. My high school career is one of those times. I am and will continue to be myself. I will not stray from my path.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How To Make Money Selling Item :: essays research papers

How to make money selling items through internet auctions. Buying and selling things is not new. As a matter of fact, people have been buying and selling things in one form or another ever since time began. It is part of life. We all need or want things that we can not provide for ourselves, so we have to find someone who can supply us with the items, and we pay them to provide us with these items we need or want. Ebay is an online auction service that helps people sell their items to people across the country, or even the globe, for a good profit. So if someone has been trying to sell something through the classifieds in their local newspaper and the item has not been selling, they could advertise it on eBay, and someone could buy it from another state. I want to explain how to sell, make profit, and have many return customers from listing items on eBay.Deciding what to sell is not as easy as it looks. There are two main types of items that can be sold. The first and most obvious are those items that are lying around the house that need to ridden of, like of those CD’s that are not listened to anymore, that old toy gotten as a kid, things like that. These items are great to sell to make some extra money, but they are a one time sale item, meaning once they are sold, they are gone and so is the chance at a recurring income. The second category of items that can be sold is a set of products that I create or buy in order to sell them. These can be a great source of income, things as simple as my mother’s recipe for chocolate chip cookies, an information disk, or book about Beanie Babies. These types of items are things I can sell over and over again. They may not bring in as much money per item as other items, but I can sell them in a great quantity. I want to give a detailed description of the item types that I have just talked about.First, I will take the one of a kind items. These are the items that are taking up space in my closet, the things that I have bought and do not have a use for anymore, or the things I have gotten as presents that have never been taken out of the box.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Too Big To Fail – Andrew Sorkin, Book Review

Too Big to Fail is the book that has most clear explanation event by event about the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. Even though Too Big to Fail is Andrew Sorkin’s first book, he made it possible to most of readers understand what really happened in 2008 with the failure of Lehman Brothers and the resulting misfortunes. Coming out in less than a year after the disaster, the book covered the whole catastrophic event, thanks to the meticulous research and countless interviews (made by the author) with those involved in the hassle. The title of this book basically covers what is spoken throughout the course of the story; companies that believed to be Too Big to Fail. Sorkin starts writing about the months after the sale of Bearn Stearns that was a global investment bank and securities trading and brokerage sold in 2008 to JP Morgan Chase at the low price of 2$ per share then introducing us to the collapse of the Lehman Brothers and finally leading us to the bailout or how the government officially call it; TARP or Troubled Asset Relief Program, a program that was announced on 9-19-08 by Secy Paulson that basically consisted in a series of grants and outright purchases of illiquid assets that would extricate the problem areas weighing down the economy. In addition, money funds were to be guaranteed. The details that make the history so interesting are the detailed information provided by the book of the behavior, personality and way to make decisions of the main characters. Sorkin focus seems to be almost exclusively on the human failings and human suffering on Wall Street that the fall of Lehman Brothers caused. In the story there are no specific villains but plenty of arrogant, blind and irresponsible decisions taken by some. However there are some people such as Henry Paulson, Timothy Geitner and Ben Bernake that may be considered heroes for their wise way to make decisions on pressure moments. The book would be a handy guide to people who want a clear and concise picture of the series of decisions that led Lehman Brothers directly go to bankrupt and of course the resulting chaos that this situation meant to Wall Street and the rest of the world. The book pleased me personally because it was very realistic in all it was the attitude of each character on the problem itself. I liked how in some cases it became reflected how the main U. S. business leaders were unable to conceal their greed when it came defending their interests.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

47 of the Best Training Resources to Hone Your Marketing Skills

47 of the Best Training Resources to Hone Your Marketing Skills Marketing teams are constantly busy. There’s barely enough time to get on top of your projects, much less take a couple hours out of the day to do some marketing training. But here’s a thought†¦ What if the training helped your team be more efficient at their jobs? Thus saving time in the long run. Not sure where to turn to find the right training opportunities for your marketing team? No stress. This post contains a comprehensive list of the best free and paid marketing courses to help your team hone their marketing skills. Check out this awesome list of the best free and paid marketing training resources.Help Your Team Develop Agile Marketing Skills Before we dive into all the marketing training opportunities, let’s talk about a much-needed marketing skill†¦ Project management. You know the feeling – The one where you’re drowning in work, chasing endless status updates and barely keeping a handle on all the things your team is working on. We’ve all been there. 😠¬ It doesn’t have to be this way. Check out how implementing an Agile approach to your marketing can change your (work) life. Table of Contents Content Marketing SEO Programming Analytics Social Media PPC Why Training is Important for Marketing Teams There is arguably no department at an organization that should prioritize training more than the marketing department. Hear me out on this one†¦ Can you think of anything within an organization that moves faster than marketing? Marketers are beholden to changing social media rules†¦ Search engine algorithm updates†¦ Email privacy regulations†¦ The list goes on. Marketers need consistant  training to stay in-the-know. Marketers are also often expected to wear multiple hats. How many times have you had to create a quick graphic for social media – even though you’re not a graphic designer? OR†¦ How many times have you had to jump into Google Analytics to check the health of your content marketing efforts, despite your limited analytics knowledge? Quite a few I bet. These are great examples of why marketers can (and should) take a course or two to brush up on skills outside of their expertise. Organizational Benefits of Training and Development Increasing employee motivation and decreasing turnover is something every company strives for. Turns out, a simple way to do this is to offer your employees a great training and development program. Here are all the statistics about the organizational benefits of training and development: Companies have a  218%  higher income per employee than those without formalized training. There’s a 24%  higher profit margin for companies that prioritize training than those who don’t. 40%  of employees who don’t receive training will leave their positions within the first year. 87%  of Millennials say that professional development is significant to them. 70%  of individuals say training and development opportunities influence their decision to stay at a company.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Modernity and Revolution essays

Modernity and Revolution essays European culture during the 18th, and into the early 19th century could accurate be describe as a constant time of change. It was a fragile point in the history of Europe, due to constant revolutions of science and change, reformations of religion, improvement in mechanisms of production. With time continually going by new knowledge would be developed to discredit older, previously assumed and unempirical, thought. ( i.e. proof of the heliocentric theory) The role of the Monarchs began to decrease, Nobilities status wee being brought rather then born, yet the division in the classes was as present as always. The rich were still getting richer and the poor were left to be drain of all their money by continually high bread prices, and the main issue of taxation be held in the lower third in most countries. That is to say chief amounts of the tax collected (in France) was extracted directly from members of the 3rd estates income. (Perry 468) To accompany news trains of thought, there had to be an acceptance by the commons, the want or desire and for change and the willingness for change, is exactly the case in France and one of the main causes of the French revolution and more specially, the Bourgeoisie revolution. This will be discussed further in this paper. Also, along with new trains of thinking, as stated previously, came new mechanisms for facilitating greater changer, especially in agriculture. Yet, these changes lead to a swarm of new ideas for the improvement of machinery, that eventually lead the mass mobilization of the working force in what has been dubbed the Industrial Revolution. These situation are just two of many that occurred in this time period, yet the position of this paper is to describe, compare and contrast the two events previously mentioned, and conclude which of the events had a greater impact on the European culture, mainly in the respects of there affect of the modernity of Europe. It ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Theoretical Grammar Definition and Examples

Theoretical Grammar Definition and Examples Theoretical grammar is concerned with language in general rather than with an individual language, as is the study of essential components of any human language.  Transformational grammar  is one variety of theoretical grammar.   According to Antoinette Renouf and Andrew Kehoe: Theoretical grammar or syntax is concerned with making completely explicit the formalisms of grammar, and in providing scientific arguments or explanations in favour of one account of grammar rather than another, in terms of a general theory of human language. (Antoinette Renouf and Andrew Kehoe, The Changing Face of Corpus Linguistics.  Rodopi, 2003) Traditional Grammar vs. Theoretical Grammar What generative linguists mean by grammar should not be confused, in the first instance, with what ordinary persons or nonlinguists might refer to by that term: namely, a traditional or pedagogical grammar such as the kind used to teach language to children in grammar school. A pedagogical grammar typically provides paradigms of regular constructions, lists of prominent exceptions to these constructions (irregular verbs, etc.), and descriptive commentary at various levels of detail and generality about the form and meaning of expressions in a language (Chomsky 1986a: 6). By contrast, a theoretical grammar, in Chomskys framework, is a scientific theory: it seeks to provide a complete theoretical characterization of the speaker-hearers knowledge of her language, where this knowledge is interpreted to refer to a particular set of mental states and structures. The difference between a theoretical grammar and a pedagogical grammar is one important distinction to bear in mind in order to avoid confusion about how the term grammar operates in theoretical linguistics. A second, more fundamental distinction is between a theoretical grammar and a mental grammar. (John Mikhail, Elements of Moral Cognition: Rawls Linguistic Analogy and the Cognitive Science of Moral and Legal Judgment.  Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011)​ Descriptive Grammar vs. Theoretical Grammar A descriptive grammar (or reference grammar) catalogues the facts of a language, whereas a theoretical grammar uses some theory about the nature of language to explain why the language contains certain forms and not others. (Paul Baker, Andrew Hardie, and Tony McEnery, A Glossary of Corpus Linguistics. Edinburgh Univ. Press, 2006)​ Descriptive and Theoretical Linguistics The purpose of descriptive and theoretical linguistics is to further our understanding of language. This is done through a continual process of testing theoretical assumptions against data, and analyzing data in the light of those assumptions which previous analyses have confirmed to such a degree that they form a more or less integral whole that is accepted as the currently preferred theory. Between them, the mutually dependent fields of descriptive and theoretical linguistics provide accounts and explanations of how things seem to be in language, and a terminology for use in discussions. (O. Classe, Encyclopedia of Literary Translation Into English. Taylor Francis, 2000) It seems that in modern theoretical grammar the differences between morphological and syntactic constructions are beginning to show up, for example in the fact that, in the European languages at least, syntactic constructions tend to be right-branching while morphological constructions tend to be left-branching. (Pieter A. M. Seuren, Western Linguistics: An Historical Introduction. Blackwell, 1998) Also Known As: theoretical linguistics, speculative grammar

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Chinas Conflicts To Achieve Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chinas Conflicts To Achieve Democracy - Essay Example At the same time, members of the police all over the world are being provided with additional training in dealing with terror attacks like terror attacks using gas and similar. These measures have been somewhat successful, so it may be necessary to continue these measures more effectively for the long term. The media can play a significant role in alleviating the problems associated with terrorism, by promoting the desired message to members of the public. For instance, newspapers have a large scale access to customers and most of the public attitudes towards different issues are formed as a result of the coverage received through the media. The availability of the tools of technology via the Internet also provides a means to reach masses all over the world instantly and inexpensively to flash news, warnings, and information. The Internet contributes to the increase in terrorist incidents because it allows terrorists to propagate their message cheaply over the electronic medium to th ousands of people across the globe. But it also enables anti terrorist measures to be implemented more effectively, because it enhances communication and provides a medium for Government, police and other authorities to communicate directly with members of the public without much waste of time, which could come in very useful in the case of an imminent attack. Thus, the media could be used to address the threat of terrorism by providing an effective means of fast and reliable communication to large masses of people across the world.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Answer the questions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Answer the questions - Case Study Example Working knowledge on law becomes an advantage in transactions or even agreements among individuals and even states. For instance, a small businessperson ought to be in a position to know the regulations of the council where his business is located. Basic regulations on when to renew business permits are essential for anybody in business. A key factor to note is that law should never be treated as a static concept. The legal dynamics that predisposes a judge in some instances to mount legal pronouncements from a range of sources portrays the dynamic nature of the legal process. In conclusion, learning of the law is an important source of knowledge but its integration with other methods makes a lawyer more competent. The court system has also its procedure in place that govern its daily undertakings as they dispense their rulling.The legal sector just as other spheres too has its own challenges to endure and these are best exposed in legal

Jeffrey Dahmer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Jeffrey Dahmer - Research Paper Example Most of his killing activities were happened between 1978 and 1991. He has conducted his murdering activities in a brutal manner. Most of his victims suffered rape and torture before they were being killed by Dahmer. One of the strange habits of Dahmer was that he was addict of cannibalism. Dahmer was beaten to death on November 28, 1994, by an inmate at the Columbia Correctional Institution. This paper analyses history and murder activities of Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer Dahmer was born on May 21, 1960 in a fundamentalist family in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. At age eight, his family moved to Bath, Ohio, near Akron. He was always painfully shy and suffered from low self-esteem. As a child he was molested by a neighbor. First his father left the home. Then after a bitter divorce, his mother took his brother, and left Dahmer with his father (Burns) Like in the case of many other criminals, nature and nurture played an important role in the making of Dahmer as a fierce serial killer. His early life was not good enough to make him a good citizen when he was grown up. The absence of mother’s love and care made him extremely frustrated and he has developed an antisocial attitude gradually. Added to the woes, he was molested by a neighbor during his childhood which created a revengeful attitude in him. He disliked everything and has not established any social tie up with others. People who watched the shish nature of Dahmer never felt anything bad about it. Even though Dahmer appeared as an innocent and silly guy to others, he was not so internally. He was gradually developing revenge towards the society which denied him normal living conditions. Even at his young days he had a habit of killing animals and stabbing at the heads of the animals he killed. He was never afraid of seeing the blood or killing of animals. He was initially releasing his revengeful energy by killing animals. Nobody found anything unusual in it as many young children of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Impeachment of two U.S. Presidents, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton Essay

Impeachment of two U.S. Presidents, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton - Essay Example A number of U.S Presidents were impeached from office, but the paper focuses on the comparison between Bill Clinton’s impeachment with Richard Nixon’s in the 1970s. In 1974, the United States court case against Richard Nixon took place. The Judiciary Committee passed three articles, but Nixon resigned from power prior to the vote by the whole House. The first article in accusation of Nixon stated that he had made misleading and false statements to try and cover up the Watergate allegation. Watergate was one of the plushest Hotels in Washington, yet its scandal was identified with the unlawful activities of the Nixon administration. It was carried out by five men employed by the re-election of Nixon’s campaign. It was organized to repair refined bugging instruments in the entire Democratic Party headquarters. The five men were paid with funds allocated for the Nixon re-election campaign. Investigations finally revealed that the administration upheld a â€Å"secre t intelligence fund† to probe political players and had intentionally spoiled Democratic campaigns by formulating leaks to the press. The second article argued that Nixon had breached the lawful rights of citizens and obstructed the due and right administration of justice. Clause three provided that Nixon failed to give some required information and papers to the House Judiciary committee. On the other hand, Bill Clinton’s charges in the U.S court case took place in 1998. Three articles of impeachment were created by the House Judiciary Committee, though just two were approved by the entire House. At the time when the articles were conveyed to the Senate, the number of majority vote of two thirds was not attained to make it possible to convict Clinton. The foremost item approved by the House gave the reason that Clinton had dishonored the constitutional oath by demoralizing the integrity of office as well as betraying his trust as the American President. Monica Lewinsky ’s sexual relationship with President Clinton was one of the reasons for his impeachment. Central to the entire scandal were claims that Lewinsky performed oral sex on Clinton. After the immunity test, Clinton was found innocent and resumed office. The other reason provided in the second article was that Clinton prevented, hindered, and obstructed the management of justice. The most notable fact in this case is that Nixon resigned but Clinton ignored the pressure and took it to an appeal and won the case. Nixon decided that he had to resign because he no longer had a strong political support in the Congress to enable him complete his term in Power. To him, the move was for the sake of the American citizens’ interests. On the other hand, Clinton made it clear that he was not ready to voluntarily leave office. He rejected the plea to resign even before the requests for him to step down were made. Again, he could not confess to breaking the law by lying under pledge conce rning his affair with Lewinsky, in the last hours of his impeachment. Clinton maintained that he had not committed perjury. From the above accounts, the differences between the reasons for impeaching the two presidents are clear. However, some similarities can be observed. Rationally, the articles state that both Clinton and Nixon obstructed and impeded the administration of justice. In addition, the two

When Life Imitates Video by John Leo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

When Life Imitates Video by John Leo - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the article revolves around the possibility of real-life events beings strikingly similar to those portrayed in violent video games. The author, a writer by heart, has done service to the public by indulging in writing different society centered articles and serving practically for the betterment of higher academics for the past few decades. This article could well be ascertained as a continuation of the chain of his service to his fellow beings. Commencing with the mentioning of a Colorado incident in which teenagers indulged in a violent shooting spree that eventually led to the killing of themselves at their own hands, the author is pained at noticing the obvious influence of gaming on youngsters. It is perceived by the writer that the actions of youngsters were influenced by situations in video games. The opening paragraph gives an evident idea of the purpose with which the author has written it. The purpose of the writer, mainly, is to highlight how scenarios portrayed in violent video games are being adapted to real life by the youngsters who are deeply influenced by them. The audience the writer targets are individuals within the general public and also the video games’ manufacturers. The widespread use of video games and the parents’ leverage given to kids to play them with ease gives an idea that parents are unaware of the hazards involved with the games. The author aims to target these oblivious parents as the audience trying to bring them to light about the alarming problem at hand. Quoting logic and reason, the author tries to clearly signify the relationship that exists between violence in video games and real world mishaps. The argument most presumably set forth by video games promoters that there basically is no direct link that could prove the effect of violence in video games on youngsters and their real-life issues have been responded well by the customer. Understanding the opposin g viewpoint’s position, the writer accepts that there may be personal issues involved with the personalities of individuals who show being affected by the violence related mentality but this mainly is, in the words of the writer, the weakest point that should be addressed. According to the writer, the individual youngsters that come from strong-willed and well brought up families are less likely to fall prey to these violence-prone games. It mainly is the distressed and the oppressed youngsters only who find their refuge in the video games where they find all the violence to lure their oppressed and neglected thoughts, a perfect place to let go of their frustrations. The problem, according to the writer, is that millions of youngsters of the current society are indulged in activities that would do nothing but hurt their counterparts and themselves alike, considering this as being no objectionable practice whatsoever. All this is owing to the fact that oppression has been made an everyday affair by the everyday use of violence-laden video games. The author inputs logic into his writing beautifully by mentioning the point of view of Dr. David Grossman of Arkansas State University who is both a psychologist and a retired Army officer. His point of view is of immense importance as he assesses the situation from two distinct aspects, both from a psychologist’s and an army officer’s point of view. He completely seconds the stance of the author adding that enabling kids and youngsters to get indulged into electronic games at such an extensive rate has made it common for them to think of killing someone no matter what the situation. The severity of the matter has been eliminated by the realistic aspects introduced into the games such as those of the armory being just like real-world weapons and also the scenarios being very realistic as well.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Impeachment of two U.S. Presidents, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton Essay

Impeachment of two U.S. Presidents, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton - Essay Example A number of U.S Presidents were impeached from office, but the paper focuses on the comparison between Bill Clinton’s impeachment with Richard Nixon’s in the 1970s. In 1974, the United States court case against Richard Nixon took place. The Judiciary Committee passed three articles, but Nixon resigned from power prior to the vote by the whole House. The first article in accusation of Nixon stated that he had made misleading and false statements to try and cover up the Watergate allegation. Watergate was one of the plushest Hotels in Washington, yet its scandal was identified with the unlawful activities of the Nixon administration. It was carried out by five men employed by the re-election of Nixon’s campaign. It was organized to repair refined bugging instruments in the entire Democratic Party headquarters. The five men were paid with funds allocated for the Nixon re-election campaign. Investigations finally revealed that the administration upheld a â€Å"secre t intelligence fund† to probe political players and had intentionally spoiled Democratic campaigns by formulating leaks to the press. The second article argued that Nixon had breached the lawful rights of citizens and obstructed the due and right administration of justice. Clause three provided that Nixon failed to give some required information and papers to the House Judiciary committee. On the other hand, Bill Clinton’s charges in the U.S court case took place in 1998. Three articles of impeachment were created by the House Judiciary Committee, though just two were approved by the entire House. At the time when the articles were conveyed to the Senate, the number of majority vote of two thirds was not attained to make it possible to convict Clinton. The foremost item approved by the House gave the reason that Clinton had dishonored the constitutional oath by demoralizing the integrity of office as well as betraying his trust as the American President. Monica Lewinsky ’s sexual relationship with President Clinton was one of the reasons for his impeachment. Central to the entire scandal were claims that Lewinsky performed oral sex on Clinton. After the immunity test, Clinton was found innocent and resumed office. The other reason provided in the second article was that Clinton prevented, hindered, and obstructed the management of justice. The most notable fact in this case is that Nixon resigned but Clinton ignored the pressure and took it to an appeal and won the case. Nixon decided that he had to resign because he no longer had a strong political support in the Congress to enable him complete his term in Power. To him, the move was for the sake of the American citizens’ interests. On the other hand, Clinton made it clear that he was not ready to voluntarily leave office. He rejected the plea to resign even before the requests for him to step down were made. Again, he could not confess to breaking the law by lying under pledge conce rning his affair with Lewinsky, in the last hours of his impeachment. Clinton maintained that he had not committed perjury. From the above accounts, the differences between the reasons for impeaching the two presidents are clear. However, some similarities can be observed. Rationally, the articles state that both Clinton and Nixon obstructed and impeded the administration of justice. In addition, the two

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The role of marketing in strategic planning process Essay

The role of marketing in strategic planning process - Essay Example One set of marketing policies broadly defines the nature of the products that the business offers to the market Suder, (2007:118). The policies cover a diversity of the product line, the general level of technical sophistication of the products and the target level of product quality in relation to the competitors. The prospector businesses heavily depend on the continuing development of new and unique products and the penetration of new markets as a primary competitive strategy. Hence, the adherence and policies of the prospective businesses which encourage the broad and technically advanced trade lines should relate positively to the performance on the critical dimension of share growth. The products should also be of a higher quality compared to competitor products. Marketing, in building profitable customer relationships, assists in finding new customers for a business (Bojanic & Reid, 2009:59). Through marketing, one can be able to acquire the right target market and from that maximize profitability. To achieve this, the industry sector identified for growth in strategic planning must be implemented throughout the business. The sales team must have a structured and designed Commission to reflect closed sales in the business being pursued. When marketing and selling, a new marketplace, the products and services offered must be profitable both to the business and the customer. Some factors that the marketing manager should consider are such as, pricing, promotion and product presentation towards the customers.

Wk 1 Case Study Essay Example for Free

Wk 1 Case Study Essay Economic development in the midsouth did not always have reliable access to transportation. This was devastative because much of their growth depended heavily on transportation. Midsouth Chamber of Commerce, MSCC, was formed by a group of legislators who wanted to push for more access to transportation. Midsouth Chamber of Commerce started off strong. They were an aggressive advocacy for their business community. Their growth over the years helped them turn their organization into a business, hitting the million dollar mark. It wasn’t long, however, before their growth took a turn. The company relied heavily on the sales and marketing functions. MSCC lost many contracts with corporations because they could not keep up with the wide spread use of the internet. That was when MSCC decided to hire Leon Lassiter to take control of their sales and marketing functions. Leon Lassiter joined the MSCC in the year 2000. According to the case study â€Å"Midsouth Chamber of Commerce (A): The Role of the Operating Manager in Information Systems† Lassiter’s first task when joining the team was to review all of the programs, processes, and procedures of the company (par. 9). Right away he noticed that the information system was so  limited no one had access to do anything but the limited amount required by their job function. â€Å"No staff member had access to all the data necessary to operate the marketing and sales activities† (par. 9). Processes were done in steps starting from the lowest job level and then working its way to the top. To get one data request it would take approximately three days. Lassiter began to work with Wilson who was in charge of the operations division at MSCC. Though they did not agree with each other’s proposed plans for how the financial division should run, they both agreed to control costs. As time passed, the information systems of the company Kissell 3 grew. This brought necessary organizational changes. Staff changes were made to fall in line with the informational upgrades throughout the company. When this happened, the concern for top management arose. Lassiter and Wilson agreed that they would invest in the new information system created by a former consultant named Kovecki. Management and staff took well to the new work station arrangements. The new system, UNITRAK, helped reduce the costs of software. Unfortunately, this did not last long. They system continued to need upgrading and was never able to be implemented into the business. Lassiter continued to see disappointment with the UNITRAK. The time spent training employees on the system cost thousands of dollars, just for the materials to be forgotten. This case outlines the importance of a business and its technology. A company should always be prepared for change. MSCC did not seem like they were readily able to adapt to the change in information systems. The current situation is that the company is losing money each day the new software is not implemented. Kovecki is currently looking for a new job, but was hired by MSCC to build the companies new information system. In the future if MSCC continued to wait on Kovecki’s information system, money would be wasted. He was given months to provide MSCC with a process that worked, but has only been breaking down and not staying up to date. With the rate that MSCC is losing clients and money, waiting on Kovecki would be a mistake. He is clearly looking for a new job which implies that he has no interest in helping MSCC. It would he highly recommended that Lassiter and Wilson review their contract with Kovecki. If Kovecki does not complete the requested upgrade of the information software, they Kissell 4  will need to terminate working with Kovecki and look to a new informational software. MSCC was not prepared for the wide use of the internet. They used old processed from the time they originated which caused them to lose money. Although it was costly to implement a new information software, Lassiter was looking toward the best interest of MSCC’s future. Kissell 5 Work Cited Martin, E. , Brown, C. , Dehayes, D. , Hoffer, J. , Perkins, W. (2002). Midsouth Chamber of Commerce (A): The Role of the Operating Manager in Information Systems. In Managing information technology (7th ed. , pp. 10-16). Upper Saddle River, N. J. : Prentice Hall.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Role of Media as a Tool of Learning: Agenda Setting Theory

Role of Media as a Tool of Learning: Agenda Setting Theory Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework Theoretical framework of the study is a structure that can hold or support a theory of research work. It presents the theory which explains why the problem under study exists. Thus, the Theoretical Framework is but a theory that serves as a basis for conducting research. Theoretical Framework of this study has been chosen on the basis of the considered judgment of the researcher. This research has analyzed within the framework of Agenda setting theory of communication and social learning theory. Agenda setting theory will help to analyze the role of newspapers in setting the agenda for policy makers and formatting public opinion. Secondly the researcher also selected social learning theory. This theory will also help to analyze the role of media as a tool of learning and as a social institution in improving the status of child rights in Pakistan. Media has the strong power to effect and hold people’s mind due to its diversity. Researcher have suggested and given several communication theories to describe the diversity of media. This chapter is related to the explanation of different function of media, through description of two communication theories, in the connection with this study. Agenda setting theory explains how the media sets its agenda and manipulate the things and phenomenon. Media also give the selection of coverage to the issues to grip people’s mind. Seeing in this context, if media give coverage to the solution of the issue, it can play a constructive role for society, for being the part of process of resolving the conflict. 3.1. Agenda Setting Theory â€Å" The press may not be successful much of the time in telling people what to think, but it is stunningly successful in telling its reader what to think about† (B.Cohen1963). The concept of agenda setting was found in early 20th century. It was first discussed by Walter Lippmann in his book â€Å"Public Opinion† in 1922. Lippmann emphasized that the picture of reality created by news media were merely reflections of the actual reality and sometimes distorted. He said that the news media projection of world creates a pseudo environment and people react to this pseudo environment. McCombs and Donald Shaw defined agenda setting â€Å"in choosing and displaying news, editors, newsroom staff, and broadcasters play an important part in shaping practical reality. Readers learn not only about a given issue, but how much importance to attach to that issue from the amount of information in a news story and its position† (1972, p.176). Kurt and Gladys Engel Lang (1959) also wrote â€Å"The mass media force attention to certain issues. They build up public images of public figures. They are constantly presenting objects suggesting what individuals in mass media should think about, know about and have feeling about,† There are two assumptions underlie most research on agenda setting: The press and the media do not reflect reality; they filter and shape it. Media concentration on a few issues and subjects leads the public to perceive those issues as more important than other issues. 3.1.1. Functions of Agenda Setting The agenda setting functions has multiple components Media agenda are issues discussed in the media, such as newspaper, television and radio. Public agenda are issues discussed and personally relevant to members of the public. Policy agenda are issues that policy makers consider important, such as legislators. Corporate agenda are issues that big business and corporation consider important, including corporation. These four agendas are interrelated. The two basic assumption underlie most research on agenda setting are the press and the media do not reflect reality, they filter and shape it, and media concentration on a few issues and subjects leads the public to perceive those issues as more important than other issues. 3.1.2. Levels of Agenda Setting Media sets the agenda for the people about any particular issue in following steps or levels: The first level of agenda setting is most traditionally studied by researchers. In this level the media use objects or issues to influence the public. In this level the media suggest what the public should think about amount of coverage. In the second level agenda setting the media focus on characteristics of the objects or issues. In this level the media suggest how the people should think about the issue. 3.1.3. Usage Due to its effectiveness, the agenda setting theory has been used in political advertising, political campaigns and debates, business news and corporate reputation, business influence on federal policy, legal systems, and role of groups, audience control, public opinion, and public relations, the mass media has priming effects, in that the repeated exposure of audiences to ideas and information in the media triggers related ideas and feelings in their minds. The agenda setting theory directly relates to the present research because coverage of Minority issue had been analyzed and that particular coverage was under influence of the agenda setting function of the media. In 1960s Funkhouser Ray.G conducted a research to conduct a research to look at the relationship between media content and reality. To get the measure of public opinion he used Gallup polls and obtained measure of media content by counting the number of articals on each issue in three weekly magazine, Times, Newsweek and US News. Funkhouser (1960) conclded that, â€Å" the news media are believed by many people ( including many policy makers) to be reliable information sources but data presented here indicate that this is not necessary the case. The agenda setting theory is useful in explaining how the Pakistani Urdu and English print media sets its agenda to cover child rights and which issues are being highlighted in which direction with what context, and how they are being represented in Pakistani print media (Daily Dawn, The News, Jang and Nawa-i-waqt). 3.2. Social learning theory The social learning theory proposed byAlbert Bandurahas become perhaps the most influential theory of learning and development. While rooted in many of the basic concepts of traditional learning theory, Bandura believed that direct reinforcement could not account for all types of learning. His theory added a social element, arguing that people can learn new information and behaviors by watching other people. Known as observational learning (or modeling), this type of learning can be used to explain a wide variety of behaviors. 3.2.1. Basic Social Learning Concepts There are three core concepts at the heart of social learning theory. First is the idea that people can learn through observation. Next is the idea that internal mental states are an essential part of this process. Finally, this theory recognizes that just because something has been learned, it does not mean that it will result in a change in behavior. observational learning says people can learn through observation, In his famousBobo doll experiment, Bandura demonstrated that children learn and imitate behaviors they have observed in other people. The children in Bandura’s studies observed an adult acting violently toward a Bobo doll. When the children were later allowed to play in a room with the Bobo doll, they began to imitate the aggressive actions they had previously observed. Bandura identified three basic models of observational learning: A live model, which involves an actual individual demonstrating or acting out a behavior. A verbal instructional model, which involves descriptions and explanations of a behavior. A symbolic model, which involves real or fictional characters displaying behaviors in books, films, television programs, or online media. Intrinsic reinforcement Bandura explained that mental state is important to learn. He noted that external, environmental reinforcement was not the only factor to influence learning and behavior. He described intrinsic reinforcement as a form of internal reward, such as pride, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment. This emphasis on internal thoughts and cognitions helps connect learning theories to cognitive developmental theories. While many textbooks place social learning theory with behavioral theories, Bandura himself describes his approach as a social cognitive theory. Learning does not necessarily lead to a change in behavior while behaviorists believed that learning led to a permanent change in behavior, observational learning demonstrates that people can learn new information without demonstrating new behaviors. 3.2.2. Modeling process Not all observed behaviors are effectively learned. Factors involving both the model and the learner can play a role in whether social learning is successful. Certain requirements and steps must also be followed. The following steps are involved in the observational learning and modeling process: Attention in order to learn, you need to be paying attention. Anything that detracts your attention is going to have a negative effect on observational learning. If the model interesting or there is a novel aspect to the situation, you are far more likely to dedicate your full attention to learning. Retention the ability to store information is also an important part of the learning process. Retention can be affected by a number of factors, but the ability to pull up information later and act on it is vital to observational learning. Reproduction once you have paid attention to the model and retained the information, it is time to actually perform the behavior you observed. Further practice of the learned behavior leads to improvement and skill advancement. Motivation Finally, in order for observational learning to be successful, you have to be motivated to imitate the behavior that has been modeled. Reinforcement and punishment play an important role in motivation. While experiencing these motivators can be highly effective, so can observing other experience some type of reinforcement or punishment. For example, if you see another student rewarded with extra credit for being to class on time, you might start to show up a few minutes early each day. 3.2.3. Social learning theory and Mass communication Symbolic models are another type of model that we can learn from. These are non-live models such as those we see on television or read about in books. Other forms of symbolic models include verbal instruction as when an instructor describes for us the actions for driving a car. In this case the teacher’s verbal descriptions combined with demonstration, usually teaches us most of what we need to know. This is fortunate, for if we had to learn to drive exclusively from consequences of our own actions, few of would survive the driving process (Bandura 1962). As described by Bandura, there are four components of observational learning. To successfully imitate a model we must 1) attend to the model, 2) have some way of retaining what we have seen, 3) have the necessary motor skills to reproduce the behavior. If these conditions are met, we probably know how to imitate the model. Still, one may choose not to. Our actual performances are controlled by, 4) reinforcement contingencies, many of which are vicarious. These four components are not totally separate. Reinforcement processes, in particular, influence what we attend to. As Bandura noted â€Å"we often attend to powerful, competent, prestigious models because we have found that imitating them, rather than inferior models, leads to more positive consequences.† In today’s society mass meda play an important role to influence human behavior through symbolic communication. Social learning theorists have shown that behavior is influenced not only by personal or live models but also by those presented in the mass media. Television and film models, in particular, seem to exert a powerful impact, and one major implication is that television is shaping humans motivation and behavior on a daily basis. Social learning theorists have been especially concerned with televised violence and use of alcohol and its effect on children. Research has shown that, in fact, it can increase children’s aggressiveness and tendency to consume alcohol within their lifetime. Although these findings are complex, it does raise concerns about how much television our youth attends to and what exactly is the content of the programs that they are viewing, including advertisements. An exposure study of Anheuser-Busch’s 1995 frog campaign on children 9 to 11 years of age found that 95% of the children recognized Tony the Tiger while 81% recognized the beer frogs. Overall, 73% of the sample remembered the slogan â€Å"Bud-weis-er† and 81% knew the frogs sold beer. Boys were more likely than girls to remember the product. More children recalled the Budweiser slogan than the slogans for commercials and characters shown during children’s programs (Alcohol Policy Network). What gives significance to vicarious influence is that observers can acquire lasting attitudes, emotional reactions, and behavioral proclivities toward persons, places or things that have been associated with modeled emotional experiences. They learn to fear the things that frightened models, to dislike what repulsed them and to like what gratified them (Bandura, 1986). At times, television often represents social realities in human nature, social relations, and day to day life of human interactions. The potential danger of heavy consumption of television is the exposure to this symbolic world may make the televised images appear to the authentic state of human affairs. This outcome can be detrimental to those individuals that have no other models that they can observe. In the absence of a parent, guardian or peer that is able to explain reality from fiction, the child may be more inclined to attend and reproduce the modeled behavior seen on television. The fashion and taste industries rely heavily on the social prompting power of modeling. Because the potency of vicarious influences can be enhanced by showing modeled acts bringing rewards, vicarious outcomes figure prominently in advertising campaigns. Thus, drinking a certain brand of wine or using a particular shampoo wins the loving admiration of beautiful people, enhances job performance, masculinizes self-conception, and actualizes individualism (Bandura 2002). Bandura and other researchers have concluded that the mass media not only creates personal attributes but also can alter pre-existing ones based on exposure. Exposure plays a large role in the process of social learning theory. Another important aspect of social learning theory in relation to mass media is the flow of information through social networks. As noted before, the exposure that one experiences through Television is often a contributing factor toward behavior, but even humans that do not watch television or listen to radio are affected by the mass media. People are intertwined in networks of relationships that include co-workers, friendships, classmates, teammates, intimate relationships and family members. Because these social networks often overlap, people are often directed by the media to designate what is important to discuss and what the current public agenda may be during a given time period. Therefore, the individual that does not watch television is often involved in social interaction that is based on communication with television viewers and other media consumers. This communication can lead to the same behavior being displayed by the consumer as well as the non-consumer. This abstract modeling that youth can reproduce through observation can provide us valuable information and direction while educating our youth. Bandura’s work should do a good deal to increase our awareness of the importance of models in child-rearing and education. Although most parents and teachers are already somewhat aware of the fact that they teach by example, they probably have also overlooked how important influential modeling can become. A case in point is physical punishment; many parents attempt to prevent their children from fighting by spanking them when they fight. By spanking, the parents are inadvertently providing a good demonstration of how to control others physically. Similarly, social learning theorists have taught us that whenever we find that we are unable to rid a child of some distressing bit of behavior, we might ask whether we have been inadvertently modeling the behavior ourselves (Schunk, 1996). Social learning theory has generated much research. Evidence shows that social learning theory and one’s sense of self efficacy predicts such diverse outcomes as alcohol abuse, smoking cessation, pain tolerance, athletic performance, career choices, assertiveness, coping with feared events, recovery from medical procedures and sales performance. Media is a tool of learning and a social institution. In today’s society media play an important role for opinion formation. In this study researcher will analyze that how symbolic learning influence the behaviors of people towards child rights. Does content published in print media played any important role to improve the status of child in Pakistan? Did Government take serious notice of news based on violations of child rights published in newspaper?.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Three Witches in Macbeth Essay -- William Shakespeare

The three witches in the tragedy Macbeth are introduced right at the beginning of the play. The scene opens with the witches chanting three prophesies: Macbeth will be Thane of Cawdor, Thane of Glamis and King. These prophesies introduce Macbeth to his plan of defeat and to over power. Macbeth will eventually follow through in killing king Duncan. Some people believe that the witches had the ability to reverse the order of things. This brings into the play idea of fate and the role with which it has in the play. One can only wonder if Macbeth ever had a chance of doing what was right after he met with the witches. It is however, more realistic to believe that Macbeth was responsible for his own actions throughout the play and in the end, he was the one who made the final decisions. The witches could see the future, they could add temptation, and influence Macbeth, but they could not control his destiny. No one can change the destiny of ones life nor can anyone tell the destiny of ones life. Macbeth creates his own sadness when he is driven by his own sense of guilt. He realized what he did was immoral and he cant stand the thought. This causes him to become insecure about his actions which causes him to commit more murders. The witches are great at intriguing, but in the end, it is each individuals decision to fall for the temptation, or to be strong enough to resist their captivation. That’s where Macbeth messed up, he didn’t trust himself enough and wasn’t confident enough in himself to know what the right thing was. The three Witches are only responsible for giving Macbeth the ideas and for forming ideas in Macbeth’s head. They are not responsible for h... ... is warned about the truth of the witches prophesies, he is tempted and refuses to listen to reason from Banquo. Macbeth blames the witches for deceiving him with half truths. While the witches are not totally responsible for the actions of Macbeth, they are responsible for introducing the ideas to Macbeth which in turn fired up Macbeth's ambition and led to a disastrous And unnecessary chain of events. The story of Macbeth teaches us many lessons in life. The lesson that stuck out to me is to be your own person. Macbeth let other people control him and lead him. He didn’t make decisions for himself nor did he follow his heart in everything he did. He was just thinking about what the witches and Lady Macbeth wanted. When you live your life for other people your really not living. Macbeth taught me a lot of lessons that I will continue to use throughout my life.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Defies Reason through Faith Essay -- Essays Papers

Defies Reason through Faith St. Anthony was born in Lisbon, Portugal in 1195 A.D. He wanted to live his life above himself as to give meaning to his own life. St. Anthony chose to become a member of the Congregation of Canons Regular of St. Augustine at the age of fifteen. At the congregation, he dedicated his life to the practice of piety in the Monastery at Coimbra. While in the congregation, some of his fellow friars went to Morocco to preach the Gospel of Christ. In Morocco, the friars were brutally tortured for their faith. Christian merchants consummated in recovering the friars’ remains and returned in mastery back to Coimbra. When they returned, St. Anthony was seized with an unwavering desire to suffer martyrdom in a like manner. St. Anthony then desired to be sent to the missions in Africa, and his request was fulfilled. After setting foot on African land he was stricken with a grave illness. Although he recovered from the illness, he was still too weak to go on with his missions. After retirin g to the will of God, he boarded a boat back to Portugal. But, a storm drove him to the coast of Sicily, where he joined a group of friars in Italy. Following his mission work in Italy, he then died in 1231 in Vercelli. During St. Anthony’s lifetime, he performed many miracles and several acts of God. One of these miracles included the resurrection of a fallen man and child. An act of God included the loss of his manuscript and praying to God for its return, and another act was proving to a man the truth of the sacrament by using his horse. Through miracles and acts of God, St. Anthony of Padua defies reason through faith.1 2 One of the miracles that St. Anthony performed was bringing a young man back to life. The young man... ... 6 Stoddard, Charles W., The Wonder-Worker of Padua (Rockford: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1971), 56-57. 7 Habig, Marion A., Everyman's saint: Life, Cult, and Virtues of St. Anthony of Padua (Paterson: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1954) 23-24. Bibliography - Cherance, Father Leopold De. St. Anthony of Padua New York: Burns & Oates, Limited, 1895. - Habig, Marion A. Everyman's saint: Life, Cult, and Virtues of St. Anthony of Padua. Patterson: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1954. - "St. Anthony." 26 January 1997. 25 October 1999>. - Stoddard, Charles W. The Wonder-Worker of Padua Rockford: Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., 1971. - "The Life of St. Anthony of Padua." 25 October 1999>

Seven Layer Denisty

The Seven Layer Density Column By Nicia Buttner Grade 8 Table of Contents: Statement of purpose†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 2 Hypothesis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 3 Research†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 4 Materials†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 5 Procedure†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 Observation and results†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 7 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 8 Bibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9 Acknowledgements†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 Page 2 The purpose of this experiment is to compare the different densities of different liquids. Density is a comparison between an object's mass and volume. Density = Mass divided by Volume.If the weight (or mass) of something increases but the volume stays the same, the density has to go up. If the mass decreases but the volume stays the same, the density has to go down. This experiment will show how the weight of certain liquids react to each other. Page 3 The seven liquids I have chosen for the experiment have different weights and textures. My hypothesis is that the liquids that have more de nsity, even though I am using the same amount of liquid, will be on the bottom of the column. The liquids that are less dense will then layer on top of the more dense liquid.They will create a layer of seven different liquids one on top of the other. Page 4 Most of the research I did for this experiment was online. I found a lot of different information about the densities of different liquids. One web site that was most helpful was stevespanglerscience. com. I learned how different liquids have different densities. The same amount of oil has a different density than the same amount of water, for example. I also watched a video on youtube. com showing how the experiment works. Some liquids that have different densities are baby oil, vegetable oil, water, milk, dawn dish soap and maple syrup.Each one can be measured out in the same amount, but will have different densities. Page 5 The materials I used for the project are simple everyday products you use around the house. The containe r I used was bought at Walmart and is used for holding spaghetti. The other materials I used are: Light Karo syrup Water Vegetable oil Dawn dish soap (blue) Rubbing alcohol Lamp oil Honey Food Coloring or True Color Coloring Tablets Food baster 9 oz portion cups Page 6 1. Measure 8 ounces of each type of liquid into the 9 ounce portion cups. You may want to color each of the liquids to make a more dramatic effect in your column.Light Karo syrup is easier to color than dark syrup. The only liquids that you may not be able to color are the vegetable oil and the honey. 2. Start your column by pouring the honey into the cylinder. Now, you will pour each liquid SLOWLY into the container, one at a time. It is very important to pour the liquids slowly and into the center of the cylinder. Make sure that the liquids do not touch the sides of the cylinder while you are pouring. It’s okay if the liquids mix a little as you are pouring. The layers will always even themselves out because of the varying densities. Make sure you pour the liquids in the following order: HoneyKaro syrup Dish soap Water Vegetable oil Rubbing alcohol Lamp oil 3. As you pour, the liquids will layer on top of one another. After you pour in the liquids you will have a seven-layer science experiment. Page 7 What I observed was that the different liquids were able to float on top of one another. The most dense liquid stayed at the bottom starting with the honey. The least dense liquid was at the top and that was the lamp oil. Page 8 All these different liquids have different densities. The honey stayed at the bottom because it had the highest density of all the liquids. Each liquid sed after the honey had a little bit less density and that’s why they were able to layer on top of one another. Because the lamp oil had the least amount of density it was on the very top of all the other liquids. This experiment showed how liquids can have equal measurement, but different densities. Page 9 R esources I used for this experiment are: Stevespanglerscience. com Chemistry. about. com Google. com Youtube. com (video) Page 10 Acknowledgments I want to thank my mom and dad for their help with my project and research. I also want to thank Mr. Rothering for his help and encouragement.